Feature #20745
openAdding New Themes
Hi All,
Sorry to be a bit late on the theme review. I would like to suggest we add a few new themes for the upcoming year without removing any current themes. I think many of the current themes are in use and with the way things are going with wordpress and full site editing - we may not have many opportunities to add themes that not full site editors themes. Just to get a sense of current use: Can we pull current numbers for theme use on the Commons?
I have gone through several of the themes on wordpress.org and selected a few for consideration below. I tried to choose themes that offer a lot of out-of-the-box style variations and/or patterns. I think all of them are site editor themes and this type of interface seems to definitely be the direction wordpress is going. (I'll probably need to run some faculty development sessions on the site editor...more on that later)
New Themes for Consideration:
Kadence https://wordpress.org/themes/kadence/
kubio https://wordpress.org/themes/kubio/
Inspiro https://wordpress.org/themes/inspiro/
Blog Posts https://wordpress.org/themes/blog-posts/
Extendable https://wordpress.org/themes/extendable/
Variations https://wordpress.org/themes/variations/
Hestia https://wordpress.org/themes/hestia/
Blogmate https://wordpress.org/themes/blogmate/
Vertice https://wordpress.org/themes/vertice/
Moog https://wordpress.org/themes/moog/
Bluenote https://wordpress.org/themes/blue-note/
Abisko https://wordpress.org/themes/abisko/
Zino https://wordpress.org/themes/zino/
Beaumont https://wordpress.org/themes/beaumont/
eksell https://wordpress.org/themes/eksell/
tove https://wordpress.org/themes/tove
Lakeside https://wordpress.org/themes/lakeside-blogger/
This may be too many to add? But I wanted to provide a variety of layouts and styles so we can offer more variety on the Commons. I found previewing the themes to be helpful to see the styles and patterns. Let me know what you think, and if any of the themes look better (or worse) for our purposes.
Once we have some updated numbers on theme use we may decide to get rid of a few too, if they are not in use. I think Aware, Dante, Independent Publisher, Flat Bootstrap, Minimatica are getting pretty old.
Updated by Boone Gorges 30 days ago
- File theme-usage-2024-08-16.csv theme-usage-2024-08-16.csv added
- Target version set to 2.5.0
I'm attaching a CSV with current theme usage info.
There's a fair number of themes with 0 sites. At least some of these are themes built for or requested by specific sites; those sites have since moved onto a different theme or a different host. If it sounds OK to the group, I'll review and remove these.
Once we have some updated numbers on theme use we may decide to get rid of a few too, if they are not in use. I think Aware, Dante, Independent Publisher, Flat Bootstrap, Minimatica are getting pretty old.
I'd be glad to disable some or all of these.
At our next dev call, let's talk briefly about the new theme suggestions. I don't have a problem with any of them specifically, but I want to have a shared understanding of what questions we ask ourselves when we consider adopting a new theme for general use.
Updated by Laurie Hurson 26 days ago
Thanks for sharing these numbers Boone.
I definitely don't think we need to add all these themes, though I think we might consider adding a few new ones. It will be helpful to discuss our approach to adopting new themes today on the call.
Updated by Marilyn Weber 21 days ago
On Friday's call, Laurie reiterated the point that full site editing is the way Word Press is heading. So I'm trying to learn it now, and I see we don't mention it in our Help documentation. I'm wondering if anyone wants to take that on? If not, I (as a n00b) can build something out. LMK what you all think.
Updated by scott voth 20 days ago
Hi - We do have this page - https://help.commons.gc.cuny.edu/full-site-editing/ I can expand if necessary.
Updated by Marilyn Weber 20 days ago
Great! But it didn't come up when I searched.