

Emilio Rodriguez

  • Login: erodriguez3
  • Registered on: 2018-01-16
  • Last connection: 2025-02-08


open closed Total
Assigned issues 4 0 4
Reported issues 4 0 4


Project Roles Registered on
AD/O365 Transition from NonMatric to Matriculated Students Manager, Developer, Systems Administrator 2019-11-12
The Cleansing of the Augean Stables (aka Constituent database) Manager, Community Facilitator, Reporter, Forum Member 2024-09-13



11:01 AM The Cleansing of the Augean Stables (aka Constituent database) Task #21786 (New): Compile info from our group on unused objects in Cosntituent database
With the purpose of streamlining our Constituent database, we would like to identify those tables and columns that ar... Emilio Rodriguez
11:01 AM The Cleansing of the Augean Stables (aka Constituent database) Feature #21785 (New): Phase 2
Remove uneeded/unwanted data and objects from Constituent database
1. Tables and data that comes from CunyFirst into...
Emilio Rodriguez
10:56 AM The Cleansing of the Augean Stables (aka Constituent database) Feature #21783 (New): Phase 1
Replace i805 feed into Constituent database by a series of small files produced by Susan's queries from CunyFirst
Emilio Rodriguez


03:56 PM AD/O365 Transition from NonMatric to Matriculated Students Feature #12062 (In Progress): create solution and console project
Emilio Rodriguez
03:50 PM AD/O365 Transition from NonMatric to Matriculated Students Feature #12062 (In Progress): create solution and console project
Emilio Rodriguez

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