



Support #10663


Access "Trash"

Added by Kristen Hackett over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

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Hi Boone,

I'm trying to recover a page from the trash on the site:

I believe the page should be

I don't have the option to access the trash, but I'm wondering if you do, and if you could move that page back to draft on that site so I can see it?

If you don't see it or can't access it no worries.


Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Reporter Feedback
  • Target version set to Not tracked

Hi Kristen - I think you have access to "Trash", it's just not appearing in this case because you have no pages with the "trash" status. Looking directly in the database, I don't see any items on this site that have the post status 'trash', and I don't see any items with a slug like 'open-access-journals'.

Can you walk me through what happened?

If it's critical, I may be able to access a site backup, though this is pretty difficult for me to do.

Actions #2

Updated by Kristen Hackett over 6 years ago

Hi Boone,

I myself am not too sure what happened.. - but I assumed I had put it in the trash and that's why I couldn't find that page. I'll have to do some more digging around and see what turns up.

In the meantime, we can resolve this ticket, and if something else occurs to me, I'll reach back out.

Thanks fro taking a look!

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Rejected

Sounds good. Thanks!

Actions #4

Updated by Kristen Hackett over 6 years ago

Hi Boone,

I'm just following up because this is the exact URL i'm looking for:

And I just located my notes about this page and they support my memory, showing that I did work on this page - editing and eventually marking it as 'ready for review' - during which time it would have been published on the site.. so its really weird that I don't see as a published page, and your not seeing it in the trash - isn't it? It can't just disappear..

I'm fine with recreating the page at this point, but this seems like a weird situation so I thought I'd mention it.


Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago

Hi Kristen - Thanks fo the follow-up. I still don't see anything in the database indicating a page called 'open-access-journals'. I see an item with the slug 'open-access-journals', but it has the post_type 'slide' and was last modified in 2013. I assume this is unrelated.

Out of curiosity, I ran a similar query across other GCDI sites. I see that the production gcdi.commons and the gcdidev2 and gcdidev3 sites each have a page 'open-access-journals', with post_status of 'publish'. I'm assuming that on gcdidev, you were editing (the cloned copy of) this very page - but in any case, it's a data point.

The only way that posts are ever deleted from a Commons WP database table is if the post is first put into 'trash' status, and then the trash is empty. It's technically possible that a post might be lost due to database corruption, but I'm almost certain that this isn't happening in this case - the original post ID (assuming you're editing the same post as from gcdi.commons) is 2537, and not only is that post missing on gcdidev, but also all of the corresponding postmeta and taxonomy relationships. This strongly implies that the post was deleted through WP, which triggers a post-delete routine that cleans up metadata.


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