Bug #13593
closedError with "jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries" Plugin
I was troubleshooting an error on the JITP Staging website and discovered that the "jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries" plugin was causing a white screen error on all the front pages of the site. Deactivating the plugin resolved the error, and just wanted to report.
Updated by Luke Waltzer over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from Error with Plugin to Error with "jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries" Plugin
Updated by Boone Gorges over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to 1.17.8
Thanks for the report, Luke.
For clarity, the "white screen error" is not the typical "WSOD" associated with PHP fatal errors. Instead, the plugin was triggering a JavaScript error, and the current theme on jitpstaging uses JS to fade in the main content. As a result, nothing was appearing in the main content area.
At a glance, it appears that the version of Colorbox (the lightbox gallery that the plugin uses) is incompatible with some modern browser features. The Colorbox version is 1.3.14, which dates back to at least 2013. https://github.com/jackmoore/colorbox/tags?after=1.3.24
The plugin has not been updated since it was added to the Commons in 2012. See #1889. As such, I feel fine hiding it from future users. This is done in https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/810418c06b5ca846af6e49774e750788fec86695 and deployed as a hotfix. I'll review the plugin for total removal as part of the ongoing project in #10380.