



Support #13637


All-in-One Migration plugin request

Added by Marilyn Weber over 4 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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Heather Sutton and Alan Li via Zendesk would like to have the plugin All-in-One Migration enabled. This is for a Center at the GC. Alan created a site elsewhere that he'd like to add to the Commons. There is a long ZD thread (that I'm finding difficult to summarize) about this if you'd like to know more.

Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Support #13641: follow up to migration requestResolvedBoone Gorges2020-12-01

Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges over 4 years ago

I'm afraid All-in-One Migration is not compatible with the Commons's Multisite configuration.

If the goal is a one-time migration, I can help. Perhaps it's best to start by sharing the contents of the Zendesk thread with me. It might give me a sense of the requirements of the migration, so I can suggest a way forward.

Actions #2

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 4 years ago

Yes, this is a one-time request. Here's part one of the thread:

Dear Marilyn and the Academic Commons I.T. support team,

I'm re-forwarding some background below on our new website building plans at The NYC Labor Market Information Service (LMIS), part of the Center for Urban Research as the Graduate Center, CUNY. Alan Li, cc'd here, has been serving our group in an internship and volunteership capacity this year, and you previously approved his access as an administrator (below). He has built a website for us on his local server and is trying to migrate it to Academic Commons so that our Director, Jaclyn Kelly (cc'd here), and I at LMIS can begin to edit and update it on the Commons platform in the coming weeks.

Alan has run into a plug-in issue with the migration he's attempting. Will you please see his message below (in green type) and advise us on how to proceed and any clarifying questions you may have for Alan so that we can resolve this and he can migrate the site to the Commons?

Thanks so much,


Heather E. Sutton, MBA, ACC/CPCC, Deputy Director
NYC Labor Market Information Service (LMIS)
The Center for Urban Research
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Room 6202
New York, NY 10016<>
From: Alan Li <>
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 5:53 PM
To: Sutton, Heather
Subject: Re: Change of plans: LMIS website request for transfer of the website before December - please reply as soon as you can

Hi Heather,

I hope you are doing well today. I just finished reformatting the code to make it neater and also wrote down some notes. I was watching a lot of videos on WordPress migration from a local server to the Academic Commons. For some reason, I am not able to add additional plugins. From what I am seeing online, people install this plugin named All-In-One WordPress Migration to facilitate the migration process; it enables me to export my local server and import it into the Academic Commons. I have been looking online for solutions, but none of them solved the problem of not being able to add a plugin. Is adding a plugin enabled for you, or is it just disabled in general? I have administrator access as well.

Alan Li

Actions #3

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 4 years ago

Here's part 2:

Marilyn Weber
Today ‪11:08 am‬
Heather -

I've made the request to the dev team and will let you know what they say. I'm also cc'ing the Commons Director, Matt Gold, here in case he has follow up questions.

- Marilyn Weber
CUNY Academic Commons Community Facilitator

Sutton, Heather
Today ‪11:01 am‬

​Hi Marilyn,

If you need something succinct to forward to your developer team, I think our request here is to:

-Understand whether your team can enable All-in-One Migration so that Alan can migrate the WordPress website that he created locally on his computer to our LMIS new website on CUNY Academic Commons.

-If the above is not possible, can you provide support/instructions to Alan for migrating the site another way?

-The issue is that he is running into problems migrating the site due to plug-ins that he is trying to transfer over.

Thanks for letting us know! I'm copying Alan Li here (our wonderful intern who has created the new site in his local environment)



Heather E. Sutton, MBA, ACC/CPCC
Deputy Director
NYC Labor Market Information Service (LMIS)
The Center for Urban Research
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Room 6202
New York, NY 10016;>

Marilyn Weber
Yesterday ‪05:03 pm‬
Alan -

It's not exactly the case that it's "not allowed". Our developers just need to know the context of why you want it. Ii can glean it from Heather's description, but if you can make the case succinctly yourself I can pass it on to the dev team and we'll go from there. Thanks!

Alan Li
Yesterday ‪12:37 pm‬


I wanted to ask about the plugin called All-in-One Migration. I was writing code on Local, which is an environment used for WordPress development. People would install this plugin in the local server and on their new server in order to facilitate the migrating process. This plugin allows me to export the local server into a file that can be accepted by the other server -- however, since I am not allowed to have additional plugins, I cannot import this file into the Academic Commons. I am unsure if there are any additional methods of importing a website without this plugin, so if there is, let me know.

Alan Li

Actions #4

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 4 years ago

Perhaps we could give Redmine access to Alan Li?

Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges over 4 years ago

Thanks for this, Marilyn. I think it makes sense to get Alan a Redmine account. I can create an account for him. Is the email address from this thread the best one to use?

In advance of that, here's a brief list of what I'll need to do a manual import:

1. The target site on the Commons. That is, we'll be creating a blank site, and then overwriting its defaults with the intended contents.
2. A database export of the site from the local environment
3. A list of plugins being used (and their versions). If any of them are not available on the repo, I'll need copies of them. There may be more complications depending on the plugins being used, but let's discuss that once I've seen the list.
4. The theme being used. If it's a child theme, I need the parent theme as well.
5. The names/ids of the Commons users to whom the imported content should be mapped.

Actions #6

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 4 years ago

Thanks! I don't know of any other email for him, and I'll let him know to be on the look for the invite.

Actions #7

Updated by Boone Gorges over 4 years ago

Thanks! I've created the account.

Actions #8

Updated by Boone Gorges over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Abandoned

Closing in favor of #13641

Actions #9

Updated by Boone Gorges over 4 years ago


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