



Support #17650


WP Email Plug-in

Added by Marilyn Weber over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

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Shamecca A Harris asks

"Quick question: I activated the WP Email Plug-in on my course site and I'm having some trouble with it. In the past, this plug-in allowed me to email my students directly from the Academic Commons, however that is no longer case.

Is there any other plug-in I can use to email my students from the Academic Commons? I know that the groups function allows for messaging through the forum, however I would prefer not to use this option. That said, any assistance you can provide would be helpful."

Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges over 1 year ago

In what way is it no longer the case? Exactly what is the user doing, what does the user expect to see, and what does the user in fact see?

We don't have an official way for users to send emails via WordPress sites. Previous tickets include #17182, #9289.

I'm CCing Scott to see whether he knows of another plugin on the Commons that can be used for this purpose.

Actions #2

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 1 year ago

  • Deployment actions updated (diff)
Actions #3

Updated by scott voth over 1 year ago

I don't know of another plugin on the Commons that does this. I also tried the plugin and it doesn't seem to work.

Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Staged for Production Release
  • Target version set to 2.1.1
  • Deployment actions updated (diff)

Marilyn's comment from earlier:

I can look into this further if you'd like but 1)she does have a workaround (using Blackboard) and 2)it does seem like just a bad plugin.

So I think this is low priority.

Thanks to both of you for confirming that the plugin is bad. I've hidden it in, effective the next release. If it's truly non-functional, we can probably remove it completely from the codebase, but this will take more investigation.

I'd recommend that we call this "good enough" for now. Where possible, I'd like to urge users to use the existing tool that we have for this, ie groups.

Actions #5

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 1 year ago

Yes, I agree. I did suggest groups but she replied "I'm already using the groups function for peer review, so it would be a little messy to add another group for class announcements. I used the WP Email plug-in to email students directly from the site dashboard in previous iterations of my course. The last time I used this was in the Spring 2019 and it was a little glitchy but it worked. I suppose this function has been discontinued since then.

I think my best bet would be to continue to use Blackboard for announcements, although it would be nice it the WP Email tool came back in its full form at some point. "

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Staged for Production Release to Resolved

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