Support #18133
openElementor builder problem
From Indranil Choudhury, Via ZendesK:
I'm working with CITE CUNY<> and I've encountered a few issues that I haven't had luck solving. [note from Marilyn - first issue is a separate ticket]
2. When using the Elementor builder with the Elementor Hello theme, when I try to apply a site kit, I get an error. This seems to be a common issue, and the solution is outlined here<>, but I don't think I can access those settings.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 2 years ago
Could you please provide complete instructions on how to reproduce? How do I get a "site kit" to test with?
Updated by Marilyn Weber almost 2 years ago
Indranil Choudhury replies
I just activated Elementor on to replicate the issue. '
Here is a screen recording<> of what happens. Quick recap is Dashboard > Templates (right below Elementor) > Kit Library. The kit I'm trying to apply in this instance is called Child Daycare.
Thank you so much again!
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 2 years ago
- Category name set to WordPress Themes
- Status changed from New to Hold
- Assignee set to Boone Gorges
- Target version set to Future release
Thanks very much for the additional details and for the video!
The problem is that Elementor requires write-permissions for the wp-content directory. For security reasons, we do not and cannot allow this on the CUNY Academic Commons.
However, my research suggests that we're not the only people having this problem with Elementor, and it's possible that Elementor will change the behavior at some point in the future. See,
As such, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do until the Elementor team issues a fix. The "Apply Kit" feature will not work on the Commons for the time being. My apologies for the inconvenience. I'll circle back around in the upcoming months to see if Elementor decides to change the behavior.