Bug #1849
closedFAQ Hard to Read on Help Blog
Scott and Sarah --
I find that the FAQs are a bit hard to read on the help blog. I think that formatting the questions in bold might help differentiate one question/answer pair from another. Right now it just looks like a wall of text (ex. http://help.commons.gc.cuny.edu/faq/#Questions_about_Blogs ). I know it might be difficult due to the way we're importing content from the wiki. Can you two confer and figure out a way to fix this? Thanks.
Updated by scott voth almost 13 years ago
I think on the wiki page, we can make the heading for each section a little larger, and then when the page is rendered in the blog, it will be bigger and bolder. I did it for the first entry - "How can I edit my profile information? " and it seems to set off the heading from the content better. Do you think this is a viable solution? We could also look into changing the css for the blog, but the first solution seems more straightforward.
Updated by Matt Gold almost 13 years ago
- Assignee changed from Sarah Morgano to scott voth
Thanks, Scott -- that's a big improvement.
Updated by Sarah Morgano almost 13 years ago
Hi Scott,
I just updated the Questions about Commons Profiles part of the wiki page to give a few different options: http://help.commons.gc.cuny.edu/faq/#Questions_about_the_Commons_Profiles_and_Accounts. I like the idea of changing the questions to H4. What about using blockquotes / "Q" and "A" / bold? Do you know a way to indent without using blockquotes? Lastly, I'd be happy to go through the wiki page and make the edits.
Updated by scott voth almost 13 years ago
Hi Sarah - I like the block quotes and the heading increase. Matt - what do you think? It looks good on the wiki page, and I guess if we didn't want the big quote mark, we could suppress it in the css for the blog. And sure Sarah - if you want to do it that's fine - or I can do it as well.
Updated by scott voth almost 13 years ago
Also - if we just want to indent, we can use the : at the beginning of each line we want to indent. You can use more than one colon to indent more.
Actually - that works only on the wiki page - does not seem to render on the post.
Updated by scott voth almost 13 years ago
Hi Sarah - I added some CSS that hides the big quotation mark on the FAQ page in the blog. I think it looks a little better - retains the indentation without the quote. What do you think?
Updated by Sarah Morgano almost 13 years ago
It looks great without the quotation mark, thanks for tweaking the CSS Scott. I also like the way the blocktext displays on the FAQ. So, you think we should make the questions all H4, but not bold, right? (I like the way the bold looks on the Help and Support FAQ page, but not the wiki page.) Also, I'm not sure if I like the "Q" and "A", do you feel strongly about it either way?
Updated by scott voth almost 13 years ago
I would vote to get rid of the "Q" and "A". I agree with you - the bold looks good on the post page, but I'm not so sure that it really changes the wiki page. I was looking at the first entry - which is h3 - I change to bold, and it looked the same on the wiki (blue) - but was bold on the post page. So that was nice. h4 looks better on the wiki to me, and if you bold it, it seems to stand out better on the post. But there is a hierarchy to the FAQ page that we need to maintain too, and I think it is wrong now. I think I changed the first line to H2 when I was experimenting. Maybe it should be H3 (group headings), H4 (most questions), and in some cases, H5 (nested questions).
Updated by Sarah Morgano almost 13 years ago
I agree with your point about maintaining the hierarchy on the FAQ and just changed the first few questions to match what you suggested above. I was planning to update the screenshots on the FAQ wiki page and would be happy to make these changes as I go through the FAQs.
Updated by Sarah Morgano almost 13 years ago
- Assignee changed from scott voth to Sarah Morgano
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
The FAQs have been updated to follow the format above.