Bug #22066
closedImages in wpdiscuz comments don't appear as expected
Following up on https://redmine.gc.cuny.edu/issues/22034#note-6
The problem here appears to be specific to comments created using the wpdiscuz plugin. Marilyn, can you please get more information on how to insert an image in a comment? Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I don't see an 'image' or 'attachment' button. See screenshot.
Technical note. The reporter's site has comments with image paths like:
No such images exist in S3. I see images with paths like:
which implies that something in the upload pipeline is causing a suffix to be appended (desktop-Aticasmall-1738967759.0601-300x188.png). But since I can't understand how images are added to comments in the first place, it's not clear to me how or where this is taking place.
Related issues
Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 month ago
- Related to Support #22034: Images don't appear in Classic Editor added
Updated by Marilyn Weber about 1 month ago
He replies
Here is a screenshot of what is seen when replying to a comment. As you can see from the screen shot, there is an option to click on the image icon to attach an image.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 month ago
- Category name set to S3 Uploads
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to 2.5.3
Thanks for the screenshot.
I was able to identify the several ways in which wpdiscuz is incompatible with s3-uploads. Technical details are in the commit message https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/bcd70ac48c33f91353b9c940f2500a40682cbc73 The change is now deployed and images should work in wpdiscuz comments. Note that the change may only apply to newly-posted comments; those broken images from the screenshots will likely continue to be broken.