



Bug #2559


Pop-Up Message on Blogs

Added by Sarah Morgano almost 12 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

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Target version:
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After logging into the Commons and going to multiple blogs I noticed the following message appears at the top of each page (screenshot attached):

Group Discussion Forum Subscriptions
Dear Members of the CUNY Academic Commons, Those of you who belong to groups on the Commons might have gotten multiple messages from the site today. This is a result of a new feature that we have added that emails members when new posts are made to group forums to which they are subscribed. Here is a post on the News blog describing this new feature in more detail: If you would prefer not to receive email notifications of new forum posts, you can easily unsubscribe using the links at the bottom of the email notifications you have received. You will also see links to notification settings whenever you visit a group home page. We very much hope that this new system allows our members, and particularly groups, to stay in better contact with one another, while also allowing members to opt-out of notifications. If you have feedback for us on this system, please feel free to comment on the News blog post above or to send a message to Thanks for helping to make the Commons a vibrant open-source community at CUNY, and please check out the News blog for the latest Commons news ( Best, Matt --------------------------------------- Matthew K. Gold, Ph.D. Project Director, CUNY Academic Commons Close

When I logged out the message disappeared.


Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Matt Gold to Boone Gorges

Thanks, Sarah. This is due to an obscure issue with the new version of BP. I've disabled it on the live site.

Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Target version set to 1.4.27

The permanent fix is in Thanks again for bringing this to our attention, Sarah.

Actions #3

Updated by Sarah Morgano almost 12 years ago

Thanks, Boone. Glad it was a quick and easy fix!


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