



Feature #2574


Add Way to Upload Files to Groups

Added by Mark Newton almost 12 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

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Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold almost 12 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
  • Subject changed from Fix BuddyPress Drive to Add Way to Upload Files to Groups
  • Assignee set to Raymond Hoh

Hi Ray - -

Can I ask you to look into this for the nycdh site? (this is a new redmine project for that site, by the way. I took the liberty of adding you to it). I would like for there to be a way for members to upload files to groups.

Last week, I installed BuddyDrive but ran into errors. I'm open to other options. Here are the options I'm seeing:

BuddyDrive -
BP Group Documents -

And I know that Boone is working on combining BP Docs and group files for the Commons/CBOX

Would love to hear your thoughts on the best way forward. Many thanks.

Actions #2

Updated by Matt Gold almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
Actions #3

Updated by Raymond Hoh almost 12 years ago

BuddyDrive works, but uploads are done from the user profile page. You also have to enable BuddyDrive for each group for this to work.

The bundled template also doesn't work so well with the CBOX Theme as the navigation bar appears to be duplicated. I'll look into this a bit later on.

With that being said, here's how to upload files to groups with BuddyDrive:

  1. Make sure you are the group admin. Next, go to group's homepage and navigate to "Admin > BuddyDrive"
  2. Check the "Activate BuddyDrive" box and save.
  3. Next, navigate to your profile page and click on the "BuddyDrive" tab.
  4. Click on the "New File" icon.
  5. Type a description for your file and click on the "Next Step" button.
  6. For "Define Your Sharing Options", select "One of my groups" and wait for a new "Choose the group" dropdown field to show up. Once it shows up, select the group you want to attach the file to. Click on the "Next Step" button.
  7. You should now be able to upload a file and it should show up under the group's "BuddyDrive" tab.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Yes, Boone is also working on his own solution. So whatever NYCDH decides to use now, you'll have to keep that in mind as there's probably not going to be a migration script in the new BP Docs release.


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