Feature #2927
closed12/11/13 Minor Plugin Upgrades
I've upgraded three plugins for today's release. These are the minor version upgrades identified on the 5th:
Genesis Simple Hooks v2.0.0 -> v2.0.1
WP-Polls v2.63 -> v2.64
Wysija Newsletter v2.5.9.2 -> v2.5.9.3
I looked through the dev blog's posts and it looks like we've only been publishing announcements for the major upgrades, so I didn't draft a post about these. All upgrades have been pushed to the 1.5.x branch and are ready for today's release. You can close this issue out whenever you'd like, I'm moving all my 1.5.11 tickets to 1.5.12 for you right now.
Git Commits:
Plugin Upgrades Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap2ItX5DDHPddDExZU1QRGZqalhrM3lWdTExdFI4Y3c&usp=drive_web#gid=0
Updated by Boone Gorges about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Perfect. Thanks, Dom!