Feature #5397
openfrustrating to have to enable/disable in SP
From Jojo Karlin via Zendesk:
"I'm trying to incorporate changes suggested by a colleague and I find it frustrating to have to enable/disable for each edit. I am hoping you guys are working on this issue. It would help the revision process enormously."
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 9 years ago
- Target version set to Future release
Thanks for passing this along, Marilyn.
Updated by Paige Dupont almost 9 years ago
- File Commenting 01.jpeg Commenting 01.jpeg added
After going over the data gathered from our Social Paper testing I think we can tackle this ticket and similar issues with a few modifications. Refer to tickets #5050, #5069, #5052 and #5058
We brainstormed the recommendations:
- Create a better separation between the ‘reading’ and ‘editing’ states on Social Paper. I recommend a color scheme with contrasting colors that can allow a participants to easily switch between edit and read mode (ie edit button is bright and stands out while in reading mode).
*Reword "Disable editing."
- Allow visibility of embedded comments when a user views a paper. Users can close comments at their discretion as opposed to having to open and search through the paper.
I don't know how feasible changes will be since we are working through Wordpress but I wanted to provide some first draft mockups for review and brainstorming for future releases.
-Much like the formatting tools bar that appear when text is highlighted, we could add a feature in that toolbar to make comments on specific sentences which would remain highlighted so the author of the paper can see immediately/exactly where the comment is written. (See jpeg 01).
Ignore the above paragraph I realize this needs to be thought through further. Boone, is sentence level commenting something that is even feasible in the near future? Or should we move forward paragraph level only commenting?
Updated by Paige Dupont almost 9 years ago
I'm sorry guys, I accidentally hit post on this too soon and started to backtrack on what I failed to say so I don't think I'm presenting this properly. Please ignore the last update and I'll come back with better mockups and suggestions later.