



Support #6037


Updated Prelude.16 Theme

Added by Alex Hills over 8 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
WordPress Themes
Target version:
Start date:
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% Done:


Estimated time:
Deployment actions:


Hi Boone,

I've attached an updated theme for Prelude 16. Could this be rolled out on the 21st?


Files (5.53 MB) Alex Hills, 2016-09-18 09:36 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago

  • Target version set to 1.9.28

Sure thing. Thanks, Alex.

Actions #2

Updated by Alex Hills over 8 years ago

Thanks, Boone. Sorry to bother about this--I'm getting some pressure from the other folks at the Segal Center--they're wondering when today the new theme might be pushed through. They are wanting to send out a press release today and would like the website to be ready along with it.

On a related note--and let me know if I should open a new ticket about this--we noticed that when we make updates to the website using the dashboard, those changes aren't reflected until the next day. Is this due to a caching process that is in use on the commons sites? If so, is there any way this site could be exempt from that process at least until we get the site up and running?

Thanks so much, Boone.


Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago

Alex - I will do the release within the next two hours, and will update this ticket when it's done so that you have the info.

On a related note--and let me know if I should open a new ticket about this--we noticed that when we make updates to the website using the dashboard, those changes aren't reflected until the next day. Is this due to a caching process that is in use on the commons sites? If so, is there any way this site could be exempt from that process at least until we get the site up and running?

If I recall correctly, the "updates to the website using the dashboard" you're talking about are all related to the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Is that correct? If so, then it's likely that the underlying cause is a bug in ACF that results in the cache not being properly flushed on save. If it's all settings, then it's likely a Commons-related bug.

Again, working from memory: on our previous server environment, I'd hardcoded an exception so that your site(s) didn't utilize the persistent object cache, because of the ACF bugs. It appears that these changes didn't get ported to our new server this summer, as we had to switch caching engines. I'll readd the exception. Can you please verify the URL that should be excepted from the caching layer?

Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago

Quick update: I searched on Google and found this ticket where the ACF devs basically admit that there is a bug, but then say that they'll only fix it if they hear lots more reports. This was a couple years ago. Oy.

I may take a few minutes today to see if I can spot the specific bug in ACF, as it'd be far better to fix it there than to disable caching for your entire site.

Actions #5

Updated by Alex Hills over 8 years ago

Thanks, Boone. That's frustrating that they're not fixing it! I'll let them know that we're experiencing the issue so that maybe they'll work on it for future updates. Squeaky wheel, right?

In case you still need it, here's the commons url for the current prelude website:

Thanks again,

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

I got caught up over the last hour trying to track down the ACF bug. I have almost found it, but I need to set it aside so I can get your release out.

Theme is updated in and will be ready on the producton site within the next 15 minutes.

I'll open a separate ticket to handle the ACF situation.

Actions #7

Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago

Alex - the update is live.

The ticket for ACF is at You're a watcher.

I've also blacklisted all prelude* sites in our cache system, so you shouldn't have the invalidation problem for now.

Actions #8

Updated by Alex Hills over 8 years ago

Thank you so much, Boone!


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