



Feature #9908


Is it possible to send email updates to users (or an email address not on the list) for only a single page AFTER being prompted?

Added by Michael Shields about 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

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Hi everyone,

Here's the issue that we've been discussing internally:

We need to find a way to announce and keep a record of data quality issues. We're currently using the IR Director Listserv for this but a few days after a data alert has been sent out, people forget about it. What we would love to do is to have some sort of prompt to send out an alert email when an update has been made to only a single page (in this case, The reason why I say a prompt is because we frequently make updates to pages before sharing them.

Thanks very much!!


Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges about 6 years ago

  • Assignee set to scott voth
  • Target version set to Not tracked

The functionality as you've described it - optionally sending notifications after page update - is not built into the Commons. However, I can think of a couple ways it might be approached:

1. Set up a newsletter, and manually trigger a "newsletter" whenever you'd like to send an update. See for some instructions on using MailPoet, one of our newsletter plugins. (The WP Email Users plugin is a bit more lightweight, and maybe better suited to this sort of use. Subscribe2 is another option.)

2. Link your site to a Commons group, and set the default subscription level for that group to something like Daily Digest. Users should then automatically get daily notifications of items that have been updated that day. This would include all edits, but it shouldn't overwhelm, since it's compiled into digests.

CCing Scott, who may be better suited to give recommendations on how best to use existing Commons tools to do this sort of thing.


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