


Design/UX #3178

Updated by Matt Gold about 10 years ago

In our meeting today, we discussed issue 575, 555, which involved a user who wanted to duplicate forum comments to other forums.  

 We don't think that there is a need for that, but we did discuss a few other use cases: 

 1. A person wants to post something to multiple groups. With a new feature, a person could create one post and then select other groups (which he/she is already a part of) and have the post posted to those other groups, as well -- ie., creating duplicate posts on multiple forums. There is a possibility that could be used for spam, but we trust our user base and think that this wouldn't be abused. 

 2. Michael discussed the possibility of having *readers* of posts repost forum posts to other groups, almost like a twitter retweet. We're thinking also of tumblr posts -- it would be good for people to be able to append a comment when reposting to another groups. You should only be able to post public group to public group or public group to private group. As on twitter, it would be useful for members to be able to turn off notifications of repostings if they didn't want to see them on a group-by-group basis. 

 There are multiple ways in which these features would be useful. 
