


Feature #1720

Updated by Matt Gold over 12 years ago

QUESTIONS FOR THE PERSON REQUESTING THE PLUGIN/THEME [generally this means Matt or a community facilitator] 
 - What's the name of the plugin/theme?* Tumblr Importer* 
 - [plugins] In a few words, what does it do? Allows user to import Tumblr blog export files into WordPress 

 - How is the plugin/theme different from what's already provided on the Commons? It specifically targets members who want to use Tools>>Import and import Tumblr blog content 
 - What's the potential impact? Who will use it? I don't think there will be any potential impact. Members wanting to move their Tumblr content to the Commons would use it and not be frustrated when it is not available. 

 - Who initially made the request? [sometimes Matt is passing along requests from members, sometimes suggesting something he found himself] Matt 
 - Who is the plugin author- Unclear – seems like part of WordPress 
 - Say a little bit about the release history and popularity of the plugin. How many times has it been downloaded? When was it last updated? [The idea behind these last two questions is that I'm more likely to look favorably on plugins that are less likely to be abandoned]In, this plugin seems to be popular – 25,000 downloads - and has gone through 5 releases – most current is 0.5 
 - Maintenance: Given the data above, how likely is it that the plugin is going to be abandoned by the developer? 
 - Security: Scan for XSS and DB vulnerabilities [How? Is there a better way than doing it by hand? Anyone have a script that greps for things like 'echo $' and "INSERT "? I chatted a bit with Mark Jaquith in Phoenix and it sounds like he just has a list of things he searches for. Maybe we should invest in writing something.] 
 - Redundancy: If this plugin/theme does something that plugins/themes on the site already do, is there enough reason to put it on anyway? Maybe we should migrate users from the older plugin/theme to the new one? How hard would that be? 
 - Themes: What are the results of the Theme Check? Many of the 'required' warnings I don't care much about - they are nitpicks. But consistent calls to deprecated functions, for instance, could indicate something about the quality of the theme. 
