

Colin McDonald

  • Login: cmcdonald
  • Registered on: 2019-02-26
  • Last connection: 2024-10-10


open closed Total
Assigned issues 4 5 9
Reported issues 20 54 74


Project Roles Registered on
CUNY Academic Commons Manager, Developer, Reporter 2019-02-26



12:38 PM CUNY Academic Commons Bug #21093: Error Joining Public Groups
Thanks, Boone and Ray. I was just able to join the New Media Lab that I wasn't able to join on Friday. Zach, do you w... Colin McDonald


07:12 PM CUNY Academic Commons Support #21101: linking a CUNY ZOOM account to the our events manager
Hi Marilyn, did this one get sent out prematurely? Maybe you can edit with some additional detail when you get a chance? Colin McDonald


12:14 PM CUNY Academic Commons Bug #21093: Error Joining Public Groups
I was just able to reproduce the error in Zach's screenshot trying to join this group:
Colin McDonald


05:49 PM CUNY Academic Commons Bug #21034: Commons database server is down
Hi Ray, thanks for noticing and posting. Do you think we should just wait an hour and see if this is resolved on its ... Colin McDonald


01:15 PM CUNY Academic Commons Support #20859: Manage Invitations Screen
Great Ray, thanks! Colin McDonald
01:13 PM CUNY Academic Commons Bug #21010: Commons Site not appearing in search
I see, thanks Boone. What if we just added some language to clarify? Maybe in the Note that is already there about se... Colin McDonald
12:34 PM CUNY Academic Commons Bug #21010: Commons Site not appearing in search
What does "Visible to Commons Users" mean if it does NOT mean visible in the directory? Does it mean that users can s... Colin McDonald


02:38 PM CUNY Academic Commons Support #20859: Manage Invitations Screen
We discussed on the call today moving ahead with the "Invitations" addition to the profile tab navigation as Sara ind... Colin McDonald
02:34 PM CUNY Academic Commons Feature #13358: Improved UI for group forum threading settings
Based on today's call, we're going to table the per-topic toggle idea for now. We'll leave the option to toggle to li... Colin McDonald
12:09 PM CUNY Academic Commons Support #20975: Default active sites for editoria11y accessibility plugin
Given Zach's report here, can we take a closer look at how editoria11y was possibly activated on his site here:
Colin McDonald

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