Bug #10553
closedFile category view persists after clicking away
the situation: I am in a group with a bunch of files organized into different folders. I click on one folder title and see the list of files in the folder. so far, so good.
Then, I click away from that file folder view -- on, say, the home or forum tab. If I click "Files" again, I'm not shown all files, as I would expect, but rather still just the files in that folder I had viewed previously.
I think that the folder view should not persist once one leave the files section.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
buddypress-group-documents uses a cookie to save this setting (or, at least, our fork does). I've added some logic that disables the cookie-setting, and deletes existing cookies. https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/27c740eb61e2a91e8e6b7c1c49fac1c93baf8c72