Bug #10629
closed'tags' blog tag cloud causing runaway queries
From recent performance logging, I see that the tag cloud on individual posts at http://tags.commons.gc.cuny.edu/ can trigger very long-running processes.
As a starter, I've removed the widget from that site.
I'd like to make two further suggestions:
1. We delete, or make fully private, the tags blog. It no longer tracks sitewide posts #7043 so is of little more than historical interest at this point.
2. We remove, or at least hide, the sitewide-multi-widget.php plugin. It hasn't been updated since originally added to the Commons. It appears that it's only used on a small handful of sites on the Commons, among them dev.commons, news.commons, and cunypie.commons - all sites that our team owns. I guess I'd lean toward simply blacklisting for now, and looking into removing in the future. #10380
Matt, do you have thoughts on the above?