



Support #10657


child theme problems

Added by Marilyn Weber over 6 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

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Alison Slon, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Technology at BMCC, has written to Zendesk with the following questions:

I am working with Gina Cherry and Jean Amaral to build out the BMCC OER website on the Creative Commons platform:
We are almost ready to launch this site (Nov. 15 is our goal) and I would really appreciate your help in clearing up a few issues I'm having before we do.

The Wordpress theme is customizr.
The main problem is that I am unable to attach a child theme and so all my CSS is in the Simple CSS file. For most things i need this is working ok but for other design changes I try - and that look ok in Chrome/ devTools - just do not work.

Here are issues I am trying to solve:

Mobile Nav - (see attached pdf of snapshots)

The logo is a graphic image. In mobile layout it is too small to read.

IN Chrome/ DeveloperTools:

set width of screen to mobile 425x

Nav bar css:

.mobile-navbar__wrapper .navbar-brand-sitelogo img {

  • max-height: 36px!important;
  • transition: all .35s ease-in-out;


Changed 36px to 70px

Logo resized ok - but when copy CSS into Simple CSS in customizr theme it does not work.

More CSS Issues

Simple CSS in the theme Customizr will not change styles that are clearly changeable in Chrome Dev/Tools:

Remove copyright statement in footer

.footer__credits {

color: #777;

vertical-align: middle;

display: none; /*this works in Chrome DevTools*/

line-height: 1.6em;

Other non-CSS issues:

Embed Video from Vimeo into Post

Unable to embed video into a post.


Why Education Matters

I tried to use the embedly plugin but it would not allow me to sign in without a subscription.

I’ve never had any issues with using a simple embed link from Vimeo or YouTube into the html of a Wordpress post before.

Google search SEO

Would like advice on how to improve this.

Remove Commons bar at top

Can we request this?

Archive Category page

We'd like to insert headers into this category page to separate the four sub-categories:

Humanities, Social Sciences, STEM, Professional Studies.

I've included a sidebar and a dropdown on the main menu but we'd like to know if it's possible to break a category page into sections with headers.

I believe this would have to be done in the php file - which I don't have access to.

Thank you in advance for any help or advice you can give. I've tried to solve these on my own - but without access to php files and a child theme with a true Appearance/Editor - I'm stuck, or maybe I just can't figure it out.


Screenshot_2018-11-05_12-58-36.png (18.7 KB) Screenshot_2018-11-05_12-58-36.png Boone Gorges, 2018-11-05 02:22 PM

Also available in: Atom PDF