



Feature #11945


Add Comments bubble to Reckoning views

Added by Boone Gorges over 5 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

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Splitting off from #11937:

The comment bubble links to a dashboard page with all the comments on a particular post (screenshot). I was suggesting integrating this comment bubble into reckoning for each post. So along with the post name, post category (to be added), dated posted, and grade (to be integrated), you could also see the dynamic comment bubble and when clicked, be taken to the dashboard page of comments on post (screenshot).

If the comment bubble is integrated into reckoning, when viewing reckoning with post information, a prof could easily navigate to view all the comments on a particular post, including their own, which maybe be associated with the grade that is visible in reckoning.


Screenshot_2019-10-04_13-51-32.png (31.4 KB) Screenshot_2019-10-04_13-51-32.png Boone Gorges, 2019-10-04 02:54 PM
Screenshot_2019-10-04_13-51-22.png (33.9 KB) Screenshot_2019-10-04_13-51-22.png Boone Gorges, 2019-10-04 02:54 PM
11945.diff (4.17 KB) 11945.diff Boone Gorges, 2019-10-04 02:55 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges over 5 years ago

Hi Laurie - I'm breaking this off in a separate task because it's pretty straightforward. See attached screenshots (one has pending comments, the other does not). The questions for you are (a) does this seem like what you were looking for, and (b) is it worth adding this feature in the absence of full WP Grade Comments integration?

Actions #2

Updated by Laurie Hurson over 5 years ago

I think we can hold off adding comments into reckoning for now. Only because after looking at the screenshots, the post display with the comments feels cluttered and might be confusing for users who are not familiar with reckoning. I think in the future if there are requests or IRL use cases for adding the comments, we could circle back.

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges over 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from 1.16 to Future release

Sounds good, Laurie. Let's postpone.


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