Bug #1344
closedActivity Feed Items not Appearing in Group
I received an email notification for a group activity item, but when I click on the link in the email, I don't see the item in question. And when I click on the home page of the group, I see it there, either.
Email to follow.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 13 years ago
The activity item is there: http://commons.gc.cuny.edu/members/Sarah_Morgano/activity/58310/
The problem is that Scott replied to the activity item, rather than to the Doc itself. This isn't how it should work; the Reply button on BP Docs activity items should go to the Doc comment area itself. See https://github.com/boonebgorges/buddypress-docs/issues/150
Updated by Boone Gorges over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- Target version changed from 1.2.5 to 1.3
I've made the basic change to BuddyPress Docs: https://github.com/boonebgorges/buddypress-docs/issues/150
We have some further modifications on the Commons that make these links point directly to the comments section of forum posts. We don't currently have anything comparable for blog posts (or BP Docs, which are a kind of blog post). I will work on this, but it's a separate feature request, so I'm going to open a different ticket for it: #1346
The fix that I've just put into BuddyPress Docs depends on a filter introduced in BuddyPress 1.5. As a result, it won't work with BP 1.2.x. To make it compatible with BP 1.2.x would take a bunch of hacking; since Commons 1.3 will be along fairly soon, and since this is an edge case issue, I'm bumping the target version to 1.3.