Outreach #1382
closedAdd Recent Commons Presentations to "Campus Outreach" Tab on News Blog
Right now, the "Campus Outreach" tab on the news blog looks a bit bare - http://news.commons.gc.cuny.edu/campus-outreach/ . When you have a chance, can you comb through recent CAC meeting agendas to put together a list of the campuses we've visited to present on the Commons? We should highlight both CUNY presentations and non-CUNY presentations. I'd probably change "Campus Outreach" to "Outreach" for that purpose.
You may want to put together a simple list, or you can create a more robust entry for each visit (including campus photos, logost, or other images, or, when feasible, promotional materials related to the presentation itself, which you might find through a bit of googling).
Updated by Boone Gorges about 9 years ago
I'd suggest we leave this open. The Campus Outreach page has some stuff on it, but it's all from 2011 :)
Updated by scott voth about 9 years ago
I did some major overhaul of the news site a couple weeks ago and took that "Outreach" category off the menu since the stuff was so old. Maybe each time we do outreach, one of the presenters could provide a short description and I can create a post? Or we could post the slides from the presentation?
Updated by Stephen Real about 9 years ago
It looks like we can close this ticket. Do you agree. If so, please mark it Resolved.
Updated by scott voth about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved