Support #13975
closedcan't approve comments on Social Paper paper
Erin Glass reports:
I am having trouble approving comments for a Social Paper paper on the CUNY Academic Commons ( . I believe the post is assigned to classes from time to time and I now have 75 comments, many from students, that I haven't been able to approve.
When I click the email-generated link to approve comments (after logging onto the Commons), it looks as if the approval panel is pushed outside of the window on the left side. I'm pasting a screenshot below for your reference.
I know trouble shooting Social Paper may not be a priority right now, but if it's an easy fix, I'd love to be able to approve the comments. The post is about the growth of a student public across courses and semesters, so it would be cool if students could see all the other student activity on the post.
No worries if it's not possible to fix right now. Thanks for keeping the Commons alive!
Updated by Boone Gorges about 4 years ago
- Category name set to Social Paper
- Status changed from New to Reporter Feedback
- Target version set to Not tracked
I can reproduce the odd behavior of the off-screen editing panel.
Unfortunately, it looks like the root cause is an incompatibility between the editing tool that social-paper uses ( and the version of TinyMCE shipped with later versions of WordPress. Fixing this is likely to be non-trivial, and I don't think we have the bandwidth to look into it at this time.
As for the pending comments on this specific paper, there were not 75 (that number was for the entire Commons site), but only about 11. All of them were trackbacks. They seem to be legitimate, so I approved them myself from the WP Dashboard. However, they don't show up on the front-end, probably because social-paper doesn't have any built-in way to show trackbacks (as opposed to regular comments).
Apologies to Erin, but I think this is the best we can do at this time.
Updated by Marilyn Weber about 4 years ago
Se replied "Thanks for the update, Marilyn -- this all makes sense to me. Hope you all are doing well. Send my regards to Boone!"
Updated by Boone Gorges about 2 years ago
- Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Resolved