



Bug #1621


Private blog posts feeding into another group

Added by Sarah Morgano about 13 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
BuddyPress (misc)
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Deployment actions:


A member has a private group ( and the group blog posts are not only showing up on the homepage, but also seems to be feeding into a group she does not belong to (American Studies at CUNY). She said that she usually duplicates the post on a public group blog:, but she's not sure why:

a. It's getting posted on the American Studies at CUNY group blog (but when you click on it, it takes you to the Lehman College Online group blog where it prompts you to log in)
b. The posts from the private group appear on the homepage/activity stream (once you click on the post though, it prompts you to log in)

Based on the activity of the American Studies at CUNY group, it looks like this may have been happening for about a month. There seems to be some weird connection between the Lehman College Online group and the American Studies at CUNY group.



homepage.jpg (94.1 KB) homepage.jpg Sarah Morgano, 2012-02-15 03:59 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Sarah Morgano about 13 years ago

  • Priority name changed from Normal to High
Actions #2

Updated by Matt Gold about 13 years ago

  • Category name set to BuddyPress (misc)
  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee set to Boone Gorges
  • Target version set to 1.3.6
Actions #3

Updated by Matt Gold about 13 years ago


Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges about 13 years ago

  • Priority name changed from High to Immediate

If it's high enough priority to get a bump this quickly, then just mark it as such. That's what priorities are for.

Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges about 13 years ago

This is caused by an obscure bug in the bp-groupblog plugin. The chain of events (quite literally a chain) goes something like this:

- A new blog post is written on blog #855, and BuddyPress goes to create an activity item for the new post
- Normally, BP would only file the groupblog post under the user id, as it doesn't know about groupblogs. So bp-groupblog interrupts the process, looking at the activity item, and determining that blog #855 is a groupblog belonging to group #518 (the correct group, Lehman Online).
- bp-groupblog then rewrites the activity's item_id parameter to be 518, and changes the component to be 'groups'.
- The activity item is then sent back to BuddyPress and reprocessed. bp-groupblog now thinks that the blog post belongs to blog #518 - which in this case does exist, and does belong to a group, group #318 (the American Studies group).

Theoretically, this chain would go on forever, until it hit a blog id for which there was no corresponding group.

I've fixed the underlying problem in, and in BP-Groupblog v1.7.1. Now I will dive in and manually repair the incorrect activity item metadata.

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

The offending activity items have been removed. It's possible (though unlikely, due to the nature of the circumstances, and the fact that the problematic code has only been in our codebase for a month or so) that it's happened elsewhere. If other instances pop up, please reopen this ticket, or create a new one.

I'll do a version release later today with the fix.

Actions #7

Updated by Sarah Morgano about 13 years ago

Many thanks, as always, Boone! I just emailed the member to let her know that everything should be squared away in the next few hours when you push out the new release.

Actions #8

Updated by Matt Gold about 13 years ago

Fantastic. Thanks for your work on this, Boone.

Actions #9

Updated by Sarah Morgano about 13 years ago

Hi Boone,

It looks like it's doing it again, although these don't seem to be duplicate posts. On the homepage, I can see at least 3 private/hidden group blog posts. When I click on them it prompts me to log in, but I can still see the first few lines from the Home/News tabs.


Actions #10

Updated by Matt Gold about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Assigned
  • Target version changed from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7
Actions #11

Updated by Boone Gorges about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback

I'm sorry, I don't understand the report.

On the homepage, I can see at least 3 private/hidden group blog posts.

The homepage of the Commons, Can you specify where you see the posts, and which ones they are? In any case, that section of the site is totally independent of the group/blog connection.

Thanks in advance for any additional details you can provide.

Actions #12

Updated by Sarah Morgano about 13 years ago

Hi Boone,

Sorry for the vague report. I can see posts from the following private/hidden group blogs on the homepage/news tab (screenshot attached):

I hope this is enough info, but if you need anything else please let me know.


Actions #13

Updated by Boone Gorges about 13 years ago

Thanks for the additional details, Sarah.

I was able to find a bug that is, in a roundabout way, related to the stuff discussed above. I believe I have solved it - please see if you can recreate.

Note that the Hybrid Initiative blog is not members-only - it is logged-in-users only.

Actions #14

Updated by Matt Gold about 13 years ago

Sarah, can you update us on this? Thanks.

Actions #15

Updated by Sarah Morgano about 13 years ago

Everything looks good now, thanks Boone!

Actions #16

Updated by Boone Gorges about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Resolved

Thanks, Sarah!


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