Bug #1656
closedWordTube Player Still Doesn't Play SWF Files
After the media player was installed this week, WordTube seems to work much better (I can upload SWF files, they appear in the right screens). But when I try to preview a SWF file or play an embedded a SWF file, nothing happens when I click the arrow. I tried an MP3 file and the player played that fine. (This was originally reported by Sarah Ruth Jacobs, and I tried it and got same results.)
Updated by Matt Gold almost 13 years ago
- Assignee set to Boone Gorges
- Priority name changed from Normal to High
- Target version set to 1.3.9
Giving this a high priority due to the impending publication of JITP.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Reporter Feedback
I do not know how to debug WordTube or the JV Flash Player that it requires. Scott, is it necessary to use that particular plugin?
If all you need is the ability to embed .swf files, perhaps we can go with a different plugin. Scott, I have installed a plugin called Kimili Flash Embed and pushed it to cdev. Can I ask you to test it out on a blog there? Note that the interface is not particularly elegant: you will have to upload your .swf file through the WP Media Library, copy the resultant URL, and then use the Flash button in the Edit Post interface (and paste the URL in the appropriate field).
If that works and it fills your needs, let me know.
Updated by Matt Gold almost 13 years ago
Anything that gets these video files onto the page should be fine, so I'm hopeful that this other plugin will work. Thanks to you both for your work on this.
Updated by scott voth almost 13 years ago
Hi Boone - I gave it a shot here : http://testsandbox.cdev.gc.cuny.edu/44-2/ I think I followed the directions (and you're right about its inelegance), but same problem - the SWF file doesn't display when clicked.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 13 years ago
Scott, can you send me a copy of the file you intend to post, so that I can find a plugin that works?
Updated by scott voth almost 13 years ago
- File godofwar_controller.swf godofwar_controller.swf added
Hi Boone - I just selected a random SWF file - I am not sure exactly what Sarah Ruth Jacobs is trying to post - she is the one that opened this issue. I am attaching the SWF file that I have been using to test.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 13 years ago
Scott - I wonder if the problem here might be the flash file you're using. I just uploaded one and it works fine: http://testsandbox.cdev.gc.cuny.edu/44-2/
Mine does not require pressing "play". I wonder if that's the source of the issue: trying to post video content (which is normally stored as data in the .flv format, for which we have multiple players on the Commons) inside of a self-contained .swf file. I'm not sure if this is helpful to you or to Sarah. Any thoughts?
Updated by Matt Gold almost 13 years ago
Hi Boone -- that test video doesn't play for me on Mac OS X/Chrome
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 13 years ago
that test video doesn't play for me on Mac OS X/Chrome
Matt, can you say what "that test video" refers to?
Updated by Matt Gold almost 13 years ago
- File Screen_Shot_2012-03-12_at_12.50.41_PM.png Screen_Shot_2012-03-12_at_12.50.41_PM.png added
- File Screen_Shot_2012-03-12_at_12.50.34_PM.png Screen_Shot_2012-03-12_at_12.50.34_PM.png added
The one on the page you just linked to -- http://testsandbox.cdev.gc.cuny.edu/files/2012/02/godofwar_controller.swf
When I get to http://testsandbox.cdev.gc.cuny.edu/44-2/ , I see a video player. When I click play, the video doesn't play. See screenshot attached.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 13 years ago
OK. That's the one that Scott posted, which didn't work. The butterfly below it is the .swf I posted, which does work.
Updated by Matt Gold almost 13 years ago
Got it. Okay, yes -- the butterfly is fluttering.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 13 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.3.9 to 1.3.10
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Rejected
I'm closing this ticket under the assumption that I am correct :) (ie the files being tested with are incorrectly formatted). I'm happy to be shown wrong - don't hesitate to reopen the ticket if evidence is found to the contrary.