Feature #1809
closedAdd CataBlog Plugin
- What's the name of the plugin/theme?
CataBlog Plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/catablog/
- [plugins] In a few words, what does it do?
From the plugin description: CataBlog allows you to catalog pretty much anything you would want and share it through your blog in a simple but elegant gallery. Upload images, give them titles, links, descriptions and then save them into your catalog. Use categories to organize and filter your catalog items into multiple different catalogs. Show off your photos in high resolution with the LightBox effect, perfect for simple galleries. Easy, intuitive and smart design makes it trivial to keep track of all your different catalogs and create amazing e-stores, galleries, lists and more.
- How is the plugin/theme different from what's already provided on the Commons?
Don't think we have anything that provides this functionality
- What's the potential impact? Who will use it?
May be a first step towards creating some sort of institutional scholarly repository and/or taking some initial steps towards seeing whether WP/the Commons can be home to such an IR. Librarians will be the primary users + people who like to catalogue stuff -- ie., mostly librarians.
- Who initially made the request?
Stephen Klein
- Who is the plugin author?
macguru2000 http://profiles.wordpress.org/macguru2000/
- Say a little bit about the release history and popularity of the plugin. How many times has it been downloaded? When was it last updated? [The idea behind these last two questions is that I'm more likely to look favorably on plugins that are less likely to be abandoned]
Appears to be very popular - 4.5 stars, 99 ratings
recently updated - 2012-3-27
Related issues
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved