



Support #21386


"the site has become increasingly slow"

Added by Marilyn Weber 2 months ago. Updated 2 months ago.

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Via Keeping
Kevin Kanarek reports:

I’ve been editing the MFA in Creative Website on behalf of the CCNY English department for 2 years.

This past semester the site has become increasingly slow. to the point where my changes are often lost while attempting to save. Today there were periods of 5 to 10 minutes or more during which I could not access the site, or load or save pages.

All I’ve been doing is updating content on pages. Is this a Cuny Commons-wide issue or is there something about this site in particular that could be causing these problems?


Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges 2 months ago

I took a look at the site, both on the front end and in the Dashboard, and I didn't experience any overwhelming slowness.

We have had periodic systemwide performance issues in the last few months, and it's possible that they are linked to the user's experiences. Without more details about specific times, URLs, etc, it's hard to be certain about that.

We are in the early stages of making major changes to our hosting infrastructure, and when we make those changes (likely in Jan 2025), we expect performance to improve across-the-board nearly immediately.

I guess I'd urge the user to take careful note when experiencing a problem. Exactly what time is it, what URL are you visiting, what specific action are you performing, and what do you see in your browser? Then report back and we may be able to do some more debugging, to determine whether there is in fact an issue directly tied to the site in question

Actions #2

Updated by Marilyn Weber 2 months ago

Kevin replies
"Thank you. This problem is intermittent, at other times the site seems to work okay.

The extreme slowness that prompted my original email occurred for over a half hour before I emailed you, so:

Nov. 2 at starting 7 pm.

There had been several times before that during the summer and earlier in the fall.

Glad to hear of the system overhaul. In the meantime I’ll let you know the next time the site is so slow."


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