



Feature #2156


Evaluate unused plugins and themes for removal

Added by Dominic Giglio over 12 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Priority name:
Dominic Giglio
Category name:
WordPress (misc)
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Deployment actions:


The addition of the Network Plugin Auditor plugin now allows us to review and remove unused/outdated plugins and themes.

After the 1.4.6 release I will go through the site and make a list of all unused plugins and themes, and post the list here for review/comment. I've added the entire dev team as watchers in an attempt to get as much feedback as I can. I don't want to remove something that someone wants, or leave in a plugin or theme that really should be removed.


Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #2125: Create a plugin stats generatorResolvedDominic Giglio2012-09-13

Actions #1

Updated by Dominic Giglio about 12 years ago


I am not a network admin on the prod site. This was never a problem, and I've not brought it up, because I've never needed to be.

But now I do; I cannot go through our plugins and themes without Network Admin access.

Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago

OK, Dom - I've made you a super admin. Great power, great responsibility, etc. :)

Actions #3

Updated by Dominic Giglio about 12 years ago

I understand. I will be careful and def double check with you before I try something I'm not sure of.

Actions #4

Updated by Dominic Giglio about 12 years ago

I've gone through all 233 plugins on the commons live production site. Here's the list of the 15 plugins that are not network activated and are not active on any other sites in our network (with name and description from the Network Plugins page):

1. Blackbird Pie
Add embedded tweets to your site. Demo

2. BP-TinyMCE
Puts TinyMCE on BP pages

3. BTCNew
Show related conversations using the new API (from other blogs, Twitter, Digg, FriendFeed and more) inline with your own comments.

4. CAC SOPA Blackout
Blacks out your website on January 18th 2012 in support of those against SOPA

5. Categories to Tags Converter Importer
Convert existing categories to tags or tags to categories, selectively.

6. CollabPress
A Project Management Plugin for WordPress

7. Google Plusone(+1) Button
WordPress plugin for Google +1 button. This plugin displays the google +1 button in different styles and positions.

8. jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries
Makes the native WordPress galleries use a lightbox script called ColorBox to display the fullsize images.

9. LiveJournal Importer
Import posts and comments from LiveJournal.

10. Movable Type and TypePad Importer
Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog.

11. Plugin Visibility Manager
Allows Super Admins to control which plugins are visible to admins of a given site within a multi-site WordPress environment. Plugins can be hidden or made visible on a site by site basis or on a site wide basis. Super Admins can activate/deactivate any plugin, but everyone else is limited only to those which are visible.

12. Pull This
Select and place pull quotes inside your posts using shortcodes ([pullthis][/pullthis] and [pullshow]). Pull quotes are inserted with javascript.

13. Site Creation Wizard
Allow users to create a site using predefined templates. Compatible with BuddyPress and More Privacy Options.

14. Switch Framework for WordPress
Provides a framework for unhooking while switched.

15. xili-xl-bbp-addon
add multilingual functions and features to bbPress (Localized forums). Delivered in xili-language package. If option activated, bbPress default theme will use bbpress.css in your theme directory.

Actions #5

Updated by Dominic Giglio about 12 years ago

I've also gone through all 264 themes on the commons live production site. Here's the list of the 127 themes that are not active on any sites in our network (with name and description from the Network Themes page):

1. economics
No Description Available

2. collaboration
No Description Available

3. Apz
Designed by WooThemes.

4. ibliotype WP - Longform Base Typography for Tablets
Bibliotype is built on Craig Mod’s iPad reading template of the same name.

5. Bloggingstream
Designed by WooThemes.

6. Boast
Designed by WooThemes.

7. Bold
Designed by WooThemes.

8. Busy Bee
Designed by Magnus Jepson.

9. Caffeinated
Designed by WooThemes.

10. Carrington Mobile
A mobile-friendly theme for your blog. Best used with (and included with) the WordPress Mobile Edition plugin. Supports basic mobile browsers as well as advanced and touch-screen browsers with a display optimized for each. Built on the Carrington framework.

11. CherryTruffle
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

12. Cinch
Designed by WooThemes.

13. City Guide
Designed by WooThemes.

14. Coffee Break
Designed by Magnus Jepson.

15. Coldstone
ColdStone from

16. Crop Circles
A theme invaded by aliens.

17. Cushy
A soft and elegant cooperate theme from WooThemes

18. Daily Edition
Daily Edition by WooThemes

19. Day Dream
Dreamy, single column swishness.

20. Deep Blue
Classic blue theme.

21. DeepFocus
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

22. Delegate
Designed by WooThemes.

23. Delicate News
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

24. Deviant
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

25. Diarise
Designed by WooThemes.

26. Digital Farm
Digital Farm by Mark Forrester of WooThemes

27. Diner
Designed by WooThemes.

28. EarthlyTouch
2 Column theme from Elegant WPT

29. eBusiness
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

30. eGallery
2 Column theme from ElegantThemes

31. eGamer
2 Column theme from ElegantThemes

32. Elemental
A WordPress Theme Framework

33. ePhoto
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

34. Estate
Designed by WooThemes.

35. Ethershop Spring 07
Configure from the K2 Options Panel. Visit the support forums, the wiki or the bug tracker.Developed by Michael, Chris, Zeo, Steve and Ben. Protected by GPL.

36. Event
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

37. eVid
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

38. Exposure
Designed by WooThemes.

39. F01.01
Designed by WooThemes.

40. Feature Pitch
Designed by WooThemes.

41. Fjords04
A 4-column theme with a split custom header.

42. Flash News
Flash News by WooThemes

43. Framefake Theme
Getting framey with it.

44. Fresh Folio
Fresh Folio by WooThemes

45. Gazette Edition
Gazette Edition by WooThemes

46. Genesis
Genesis is an advanced Framework for WordPress. Please do not modify this stylesheet, as it will be overridden in Genesis updates.

47. GenkiTheme
Fluid 3-columner, you need to add the sitemap and about pages.

48. Gentle Calm
Liquid serenity, or so it says here.

49. Geometric
Designed by Adii Rockstar.

50. Glow
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

51. Gridlock
Fancy a bit of magazine do you?

52. Groovy Blog
Designed by WooThemes.

53. Groovy Photo
Designed by WooThemes.

54. Groovy Video
Designed by WooThemes.

55. GrungeMag
2 Column theme from Elegant WPT

56. Headlines
Designed by Magnus Jepson.

57. Infinity
Infinity is a simple and clean WordPress Theme. Easy Customize through Theme Options. Infinity features: custom background, drop-down menu, header logo, highly customizable and adaptable, theme options, post excerpts with thumbnails, SEO friendly, translation ready, W3C valid, widget-ready, threaded comments & more. It is tested major browsers – Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari and Chrome. Infinity is suitable for any business or personal website.

58. Influx
2 Column theme from ElegantThemes

59. Inspire
Designed by Magnus Jepson.

60. Inuit Types
Developed by Zeljan Topic.

61. LetterHead
For the Victorian lady in you.

62. LightBright
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

63. LightSource
2 Column theme from Elegant WPT

64. Live Wire
Live Wire by WooThemes

65. Magnificent
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

66. Metric Child Theme
Metric is a 2 or 3-column Widget-ready child theme created for the Genesis Framework.

67. Minimal
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

68. Minimatica
A stylish and modern minimalist theme with a beautiful image gallery slider and an optional blog view. With support for post formats, audio and video playback, ideal for showcasing photography portfolios or podcasting but also great for your everyday blogging.

69. Mortar
Designed by Mark Forrester.

70. MyResume
Resume theme from Elegant Themes

71. News Magazine Theme 640
Build a newspaper or magazine style blog with News Magazine Theme 640. Showcase 5 featured categories on your index page. Single posts and pages use 3 column display with one of two sidebars being movable. Add google analytics from theme options. Add title graphic in place of text graphic. Hide leaderboard ad section if not needed. Hide 120 by 600 filler section if not needed.

72. Newsport
Newsport by WooThemes

73. NewsPress
NewsPress by WooThemes

74. Northern-Web-Coders
Northern-Web-Coders – HTML5 Theme

75. NotesIL
Two-column theme with different color schemes. Based on the original design of by Jordan Lewinsky and built on top of the Sandbox theme.

76. Nova
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

77. OnTheGo
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

78. Open Air
A corporate style theme.

79. Optimize
Designed by Magnus Jepson.

80. Organic
Organic is a free eFrog personal WordPress theme, styled clean, and functional. Use it to show a solid, professional image with your blog.

81. Original Premium News
Original Premium News by WooThemes

82. Over Easy
Over Easy by WooThemes

83. PersonalPress
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

84. Pink-Kupy
Pink, pink, pink… and pianos.

85. Polished
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

86. Pressthor
Theme based on wordpress 2.5′s style

87. Productum
Designed by Mark Forrester.

88. Prologue
A group blog theme for short update messages, inspired by Twitter.

89. ProudFolio
Proudfolio by WooThemes

90. PureType
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

91. Quadro
2 Column theme from Elegant WPT

92. Reaching Darkness
Sweet dark, grayish, rounded blog joy.

93. Redoable
Intense, highly configurable reds and blacks.

94. Retreat
Designed by WooThemes.

95. RoundFlow
Set every colour just how you like it.

96. Royalle
Designed by WooThemes.

97. Sealight
Designed by WooThemes.

98. SimpleFolio
Portfolio Theme based off SimpleBlog Theme

99. SimplePress
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

100. Slanted
Designed by WooThemes.

101. SophisticatedFolio
Designed by Tony Geer and developed by WooThemes.

102. Steam
Efficient, impressive and flexible.

103. StudioBlue
2 Column theme from Elegant WPT

104. sumenep
A dark theme with curly flowers and a customisable header.

105. T1
A tumblelog theme styled from Sandbox

106. Tarski
An elegant, flexible theme developed by Ben Eastaugh and Chris Sternal-Johnson.

107. TerraFirma
At one with terra, yet firma too.

108. TheCorporation
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

109. The Erudite
A theme for writers who want readers, not visitors, traffic, click-throughs, CPMs or what-have-you. Carefully crafted typography and generous use of whitespace lets your writing shine.

110. TheProfessional
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

111. Therapy
Designed by WooThemes.

112. TheSource
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

113. The Station
Designed by Adii Rockstar.

114. TheStyle
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

115. TidalForce
2 Column theme from Elegant WPT

116. TumbleJack
Take control: a tumblelog theme for WordPress!

117. Unite
Designed by WooThemes.

118. veryplaintxt
One for the purists out there.

119. Vibrant CMS
Vibrant CMS by WooThemes

120. White as Milk
White, milky and pleasingly aligned.

121. WhosWho
2 Column theme from Elegant WPT

122. Wooden
2 Column theme from Elegant WPT

123. WooTube
Designed by Magnus Jepson.

124. WordPress Classic
The original WordPress theme that graced

125. WordPress Mobile Edition Theme
Theme for WordPress Mobile Edition

126. WPMU-Dixi
A highly functonal CMS theme with custom headers, multifarious theme options and an optional dynamic RSS feed display engine witfor up to 4 feeds on the front page. Can also be used as a rather attractive individual blog theme.

127. WPMU-nelo
A revolutionary customized CMS theme, allowing you to create the perfect front page for your site.

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago

Jackpot! Thanks for assembling this data, Dom. Since you've put all the time into collecting and formatting this data, let's continue to use your previous two comments as a sort of master list. When a plugin/theme is removed from the site, perhaps it could be noted above - maybe by striking it. (Or if it's easier for you to recreate the list after doing some deletions, just leave it as a new comment. Just want to keep track as we pare things down.)


Go ahead and remove the following:
1. Blackbird Pie - WP now supports tweet embedding by default
2. BP-TinyMCE
4. CAC SOPA Blackout
11. Plugin Visibility Manager
13. Site Creation Wizard
14. Switch Framework for WordPress

We'll leave the others for now - maybe return to them on a second pass through the system.


In my heart, I want to remove all of the themes that are currently unused. But let's do this in stages.

Go ahead and remove all of the above that come from WooThemes.

Let's also remove the following, which come from a wpmudev subscription that originally seeded the site. All are horribly out of date:
16. Crop Circles
19. Day Dream
20. Deep Blue
41. Fjords04
47. GenkiTheme
48. Gentle Calm
51. Gridlock
74. Northern Web Coders
84. Pink-Kupy
92. Reaching Darkness
93. Redoable
95. RoundFlow
102. Steam
104. Sumenep
106. Tarski
107. TerraFirma
118. veryplaintxt
120. White as Milk
126. WPMU-Dixi
127. WPMU-nelo

Matt, what is the status of Elegant Themes? Do we have an ongoing account? Will we have access to upgrades in the future?

Actions #7

Updated by Matt Gold about 12 years ago

Thanks so much for this great work, Dom, and great suggestions, Boone. So nice to get rid of those Woothemes!

I haven't looked in a while, but Elegant's site says that one is able to have perpetual theme updates, so we should be able to update any out-of-date themes. I'll dig through email to find the login.

Actions #8

Updated by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago

Per our email discussion, let's go ahead and remove unused themes from Elegant Themes as well. (ET + Woo + wpmudev should be 80-90% of the list above.)

Actions #9

Updated by Matt Gold about 12 years ago

This is going to feel like a site haircut!

Actions #10

Updated by Dominic Giglio about 12 years ago

I'm working through all these removals now. They will not exists after the 1.4.7 release!

Actions #11

Updated by Dominic Giglio about 12 years ago


The plugins you suggested have been removed. And I've removed all WooThemes. I've taken your advice and just stuck through all the removed plugins/themes in my original comments.

Quick question, as far as Elegant Themes go, there are two references to "Elegant":

28. EarthlyTouch
2 Column theme from Elegant WPT

29. eBusiness
2 Column theme from Elegant Themes

Am I removing both of these types? Both Elegant WPT and Elegant Themes?

Actions #12

Updated by Matt Gold about 12 years ago

Am I removing both of these types? Both Elegant WPT and Elegant Themes?

Yes. I'm assuming "WPT" is "WordPress Themes"

Actions #13

Updated by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago

And I've removed all WooThemes.

To be clear: You've only removed unused WooThemes, right?

Actions #14

Updated by Dominic Giglio about 12 years ago

Matt, yes I'm pretty sure WPT is "WordPress Themes."

Boone, yes, I am only removing plugins or themes that are on the list above. Which are plugins and themes that were not active on any blogs.

Sorry Boone, but two more questions came up while I was removing themes (and plugins):

1. I'm removing them from the git repo on my local machine so there is a git record of the deletions. Should I also be clicking the delete links in the Network Admin on the live site so the DB correctly reflects their removal? Or will WP automatically clean that up after you deploy 1.4.7?

2. The Commons prod site has 5 "Broken Themes" that are not on the list above. I've attached a screenshot for your review. Should I remove them as well?

Actions #15

Updated by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago

Should I also be clicking the delete links in the Network Admin on the live site so the DB correctly reflects their removal? Or will WP automatically clean that up after you deploy 1.4.7?

No need to do this. WP will figure it out by itself.

The Commons prod site has 5 "Broken Themes" that are not on the list above. I've attached a screenshot for your review. Should I remove them as well?

Am I correct that "broken themes" can't be activated? If so, go ahead and delete them. If not, make sure that none of them are activated before deleting.

Actions #16

Updated by Dominic Giglio about 12 years ago

OK here's how the "Broken Themes" break down:

1.) estate-psd looks to be a support folder for the estate theme that I've already gotten rid of. So that's gone. It only has 2 *.psd files in it

2.) img appears to be some old subdir of another theme. It just has .gif and .jpeg files in it. I say we dump it.

3.) simplr - I'm not sure what to do about this. There is a Simplr (note the capital S) dir in the themes dir but it looks to be OK. The broken themes page in the admin says that all these themes are broken because they lack a style.css. But Simplr in the themes dir DOES have a stylesheet. I'm going to leave this alone for right now. There is no Simplr on my list above, which means it IS in use. We will need to revisit this.

4.) woothemes - this is a subdir of the themes dir which contains a bunch of zipped up woo themes. Should I just leave this for now?

5.) wptouch - this is a plugin in the themes dir!! Should I just get rid of it?

Actions #17

Updated by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago

2.) img appears to be some old subdir of another theme. It just has .gif and .jpeg files in it. I say we dump it.


3.) simplr - I'm not sure what to do about this. There is a Simplr (note the capital S) dir in the themes dir but it looks to be OK. The broken themes page in the admin says that all these themes are broken because they lack a style.css. But Simplr in the themes dir DOES have a stylesheet. I'm going to leave this alone for right now. There is no Simplr on my list above, which means it IS in use. We will need to revisit this.

OK. Leave it.

4.) woothemes - this is a subdir of the themes dir which contains a bunch of zipped up woo themes. Should I just leave this for now?

Nuke it. If we ever need it again, I'll get it from the Git history.

5.) wptouch - this is a plugin in the themes dir!! Should I just get rid of it?

Nuke it.

Actions #18

Updated by Dominic Giglio about 12 years ago

Awesome, making the final deletions now and pushing them all to the repo for tomorrow's release.

Do you need me to put anything into ACTION_REQUIRED for you regarding this ticket?

Actions #19

Updated by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago

Do you need me to put anything into ACTION_REQUIRED for you regarding this ticket?

Nope, nothing needed!

Actions #20

Updated by Dominic Giglio about 12 years ago

Commits for the 1.4.7 release covering all the deletions discussed above:


Actions #21

Updated by Dominic Giglio about 12 years ago

Just went over the numbers again, here's a quick update:

Original Number of Unused Plugins: 15
Current Number of Unused Plugins: 9

Original Number of Unused Themes: 127
Current Number of Unused Themes: 25

Actions #22

Updated by Matt Gold about 12 years ago

Huge. Excellent! A buzz cut!

Actions #23

Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

I'm closing this issue in favor of the more focused theme audit proposed in #1399.

This issue is very old and has actually been complete for some time now. I'll work on auditing themes in #1399 and open separate, individual issues for ongoing plugin updates that are specific to the release in which the plugins are being updated.

Actions #24

Updated by Matt Gold over 11 years ago

Thanks, Dom.


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