



Bug #21980


Some Gmail addresses not receiving email notifications

Added by Boone Gorges 20 days ago. Updated 19 days ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
Email Notifications
Target version:
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Reported in #21964, some users are not receiving BPGES-triggered email notifications.

The emails are being triggered by WP. See the results of:

grep 'Announcements from the Teaching and Learning Center' wp-content/uploads/email.log  | grep drs

(result withheld for email privacy). This log is connected to the 'init' process, so it's possible that something is happening on the send process itself. I've just put a logger in place to catch any Exceptions thrown by BP_PHPMailer::bp_email() and we'll see what's collected.

Both of the reports are from users with Gmail addresses, so it could be that Gmail is being more aggressive in its filtering.

I've just run a test with my own test account using a Gmail address, and I didn't receive any notifications. This is true of all types of emails: BPGES, BP, WP (password reset confirmation). Is anyone able to confirm that other addresses ( are working?

Laurie, can you confirm the last time you received an email at your Gmail address from ? It could be that the flagging just started recently.

I'll send a feeler out to the GC to see if we can get more info on SMTP failures.

Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges 20 days ago

I got confirmation from GC IT that this was a problem with SMTP throttling. The throttle was removed and it appears that all quarantined emails went out. Laurie, can you confirm, both that you got the old emails, and that newly sent emails are going out?

Actions #2

Updated by Laurie Hurson 19 days ago

I received old emails at

3:46pm est for post:

4:01pm est for post:

4:16pm est for post:

As far as I can tell, the last email I received from "" was Fri, Jan 31, 11:18 PM.

I received the email for this test post within one minute of posting to the site

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges 19 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

From what I'm reading in this message, I think the issue is now resolved. Thanks.


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