



Support #2535


questions for funding website/luna wordpress theme

Added by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Priority name:
Dominic Giglio
Category name:
WordPress (misc)
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Deployment actions:



I've created some new templates in the luna-fellowships child theme folder to address your request to add the GC's logo to the header area. I say "header area" because technically I've tweaked the code in the "slide-text" div. This is the same div we worked on to make the Provost's header area consistent. This new code will cause the GC logo to be displayed on any page that uses the index.php and homepage-alt.php templates (the ones I've added to the child theme). The only reason I'm bringing this up is because not all pages use these templates. I didn't want to go overboard and start editing all the templates; I think we should see how this change looks after the next release on the 11th and move forward from there. Adding that logo to every single page is going to require some extensive edits. For example: pages (page.php) do not use the slide-text div, and therefore will not display the logo. I believe incremental updates are far easier to manage. We can look at what does and does not display the logo and decide together if further templates need to be altered. We release three times a month so one addition now and another (if needed) on the 21st shouldn't be too long of a wait. Let me know if you're on a stricter time schedule and we'll do what we need to do.

On (or around) release day I'd like to talk to you about your Custom CSS. There's some duplication and edits I'd like to go over. Just a little house cleaning really. I looked at what you had in there and edited the header.php template to make some of it unnecessary. It's better to not have the HTML structure there if you're going to be hiding it. Between my new header.php and your custom CSS the header should be a little cleaner. I've edited the Custom CSS on my local install and will paste it into an update to this ticket so you can compare it to what you currently have. That will also make it easier to paste directly into the live site after the next release.

Looking at your homepage posts question I assume you're talking about the posts that appear in the slider. If this is correct I only see one way to manage what is displayed there. In the Luna Theme Options (Appearance->Theme Options in the Admin) under the heading "HOMEPAGE" there are four options for controlling that slider. "Slider Order" and "Slider Order By" appear to be the only ways of controlling the order of the posts. Right now you're displaying items from the News category and they are ordered by ascending (ASC) ID. If you experiment with the Slider Order By dropdown you may be able to get a better or more desirable output. If I'm completely off-base here, let me know. I may not understand your request correctly.

Let me know if you'd like me to zip up my local, edited version of the luna-fellowships child theme folder and email it to you. That will allow you to check out the changes on your local machine before the release. I didn't want to attach it to this ticket because it's public and wasn't sure if there was anything in the theme that shouldn't be available to everyone. I can email it or attach it to this ticket, doesn't matter to me either way.

As always, let me know if there are problems or questions.



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