



Support #2742


prepare ux for inline help on 1.5.1 functions/interface

Added by Micki Kaufman almost 11 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Priority name:
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% Done:


Estimated time:
1.50 h
Deployment actions:


Prepare ux for inline help strategy on the various 1.5.1 functions/interface


Actions #1

Updated by Micki Kaufman almost 11 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Publicity
Actions #2

Updated by Micki Kaufman almost 11 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Publicity to Support

changing to 'support' issue from 'publicity'

Actions #3

Updated by Chris Stein almost 11 years ago

Thanks for adding this Micki.
Based on our discussion on Friday There are three potential interfaces. We could pursue all three or just a few or more if people have other suggestions.
  1. Modal Overlay: This would appear over the screen and inform the user of the new interface, briefly explain some of the changes and functionality and provide links to more information. Because this is the most intrusive it would only appear automatically one time. In case people dismiss it without reading there can be a way to view it again through a link.
  2. A message bar somewhere, perhaps in the white space between the admin bar and the start of the profile, that has a simple message about the new interface and a link to more information. This is less intrusive and could be kept around longer. Will have to decide if it will just stay up for a given period of time for everyone, or will it be time-based, or login-based, per user.
  3. Add a help link in one or more places that leads users to help with the new profiles. This would be permanent, should not interfere with the current visual design like the other two solutions do, but of course needs to be findable and logically placed.

All of these solutions assume that some kind of help materials (codex page, screencast etc) will be created and can be linked to.

I'll take some time to think about these and offer up some possibilities for comment.

Feel free to add comments before then though.

Actions #4

Updated by Chris Stein almost 11 years ago

I played around with doing this as an overlay (option 1) but in the end I thought that would be too complex for the time we had (it would need to be tested and adjusted for phone and tablets) and maybe not necessary anyway. I also didn't find a permanent help button I liked for now so option 3 was out. That leaves option 2, a message bar.

There are two ways we could approach this. One is to just have a single message that will always appear for a while on every profile.

The other one is to have two messages, one for your profile if you're logged in and one for logged-in members viewing other people's profiles.

I thought that for non logged-in users there would be no message.

Another feature to consider is dismissing the message. Removing it entirely with a link is one option. Another one is to have a one line title with a message underneath that can be expanded or hidden. That would involve a little more coding.

I'm attaching some screenshots that go along with the following functionality.
  1. Two versions of the message. One for logged-in users viewing their own profile and one for logged-in users viewing someone else's profile.
  2. Two states for the message. A one line with just the title and a link to show the message and the full message. In terms of default it might be ideal to have it start as a one line message if you're viewing someone else's profile and full message if you are on your own profile. If it is easier not to get that specific it's OK.
  3. A transition when you click on Show and Hide. I added CSS to use css transitions. You would still need to add JS to change the link from show to hide and the max-height property. There are some comments in the attached Inline-Help-HTML-CSS.txt file as well.

Attached files are screenshots of different state (clean and annotated). And a file with the HTML and CSS used.

Actions #5

Updated by Chris Stein almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Reporter Feedback
Actions #6

Updated by Micki Kaufman almost 11 years ago

Chris: I really like the message bar concept - and it strikes me as potentially being smooth enough UX to consider it as a means of communicating functionality changes tt the users on an ongoing basis (whether they are new functions and features like profiles or, or even downtime messages and other dev/comm team activities that affect the user base. This was born from the user profiles dev feature implementation, but if the UX is good and intuitive, we will be training the users not only in user profile niceties but in the function of the 'message bar' as a potential new mechanism for these kinds of communications.

Actions #7

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 11 years ago

  • Target version changed from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
Actions #8

Updated by Chris Stein almost 11 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Chris Stein to Boone Gorges

Boone, haven't heard any other feedback so I'm changing assignee to you and suggest the following

  • If you're not logged in there is no message
  • If you are logged in and viewing someone else's profile the View Others message is hidden (click to show)
  • If you are logged in and viewing your profile the View Yours messge is showing (Click to hide)

If the time is short and that logic is too complex then I am also OK with this simplified version:

  • If you are not logged in there is no message
  • If you are logged in and viewing someone else's profile then View Other message
  • If you are logged in and viewing your profile then View Yours message

In the simplified version you can leave out the show/hide and just show the message all of the time. After the 1.5.2 release we could create another ticket and modify the functionality.

You know your time better and I trust your judgement on what's implementable.

Actions #9

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 11 years ago

  • Estimated time set to 1.50 h

Thanks, Chris. Implemented in

Could I ask you to test it on cdev, to make sure it's working as you'd expect?

Actions #10

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Resolved

Going to assume by the absence of feedback that this is looking good and ready to be deployed. Thanks for doing the leg work, Chris.


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