Bug #274
Recent Comments on Academic News Blog
Added by Sarah Morgano over 14 years ago.
Updated over 14 years ago.
Category name:
WordPress (misc)
I noticed that all of the links from the comments on the Academic News Blog go to my '6 degrees of facebook' post instead of each respective post:
Recent Comments
Scott Voth on Apture Plug-in for WordPress
Scott Voth on Apture Plug-in for WordPress
cunycommons on Apture Plug-in for WordPress
Brian Foote on The Round Up I Wrote After Not Seeing Any Fireworks 6/28 – 7/4
zlobley on The Round Up I Wrote After Not Seeing Any Fireworks 6/28 – 7/4
- Assignee set to Ron Rennick
- Priority name changed from Normal to Low
Ron, can I ask you or Andrea to take a look at this? (No huge rush.) The blog in question is on cdev at news.cdev.gc.cuny.edu. It's populated by FeedWordPress, pulling in posts from a couple other blogs on the network. Check out the hrefs on the post titles over on the Recent Comments widget. They're all point toward the URL of the very last post that is appearing on the front page post loop.
Haven't looked at the code, but I imagine that the query isn't being reset, or that the widget is using the_permalink() outside of the proper loop, or something along those lines. Might also be connected with the fact that FWP sets the guid to something other than the address of the post on the current blog. Those links ought to point to the original post.
That's running a filter on the_permalink. If you hover over the titles in the posts, they link to the original posts. Probably just needs a "in the loop" check.
Ron, would you mind making the appropriate updates to the theme?
- Target version set to 1.0.1
I'm away until Tuesday. I'll have a look when I return.
- Target version changed from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
Bumping to 1.0.2 so we can get 1.0.1 out the door.
I have this fixed on my local copy. Am I still updating master?
Sure, the master is fine.
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Estimated time set to 1.50 h
I re-read your notes on the 1.0 branch & pushed the changes to that branch instead of the master.
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Looks fantastic, Ron. Your push to the 1.0-branch made my life a little easier :) and the fix looks perfect. Thanks.
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