Feature #2840
closedOct 21st Plugin Major Updates
I am currently updating the following plugins in a topic branch on my local machine:
Custom sidebars
List Pages Shortcode
Rotating Tweets
The Events Calendar
ThreeWP Broadcast
Twitter Widget Pro
WP Security Scan
These are the plugins identified on the 5th as those being upgraded for today's release.
Please let me know if you're already (or have already) done this and I'll stop and delete my topic branch. If I don't hear from you I am going to assume that I need to keep working on it and will notify you once the plugins are all updated and ready for a merge/push for today's release.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 11 years ago
Hi Dom - No, I haven't done the updates, so please go ahead. Make sure that you're not updating past the major version promised on the 5th (so if we promised 1.5, you can upgrade to 1.5.x, but not to 1.6+). Thanks!
Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago
Understood. I will finish the updates, merge and push them up. Then I'll notify you here so you know the new plugins are in the repo.
Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago
I've updated all the plugins with the exception of ThreeWP Broadcast. The updates have been pushed up to the repo so you can release whenever you're ready. I've also updated the spreadsheet to reflect these updates:
I will repeat this whole process on the 5th, but am hoping that my new plugin will be a little more feature rich by then to simplify things a little. I will update you on that progress in the appropriate ticket. None of the plugins had new major releases since the 5th, with the exception of ThreeWP Broadcast.
ThreeWP Broadcast was not updated because the version bumped from 1.32 to 2.4. I investigated on the plugin site and it appears that the 2.* versions are PHP5.4 only. I'm pretty sure we're still running PHP5.3 so I didn't update. Let me know if we can update or if this needs to go on the blacklist.
You can close this issue whenever you'd like.
Latest plugin update commits: https://github.com/castiron/cac/commits/1.5.x
Updated by Boone Gorges over 11 years ago
Thanks, Dom. This looks good. Good catch on the ThreeWP Broadcast bit. You're correct that we're running 5.3.x. Can we add this plugin to the upgrade blacklist, with a note of explanation? We can then close this.
Updated by Dominic Giglio over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
I've appended it to the list of blacklisted plugins here on redmine:
And will make sure I incorporate it into whatever blacklist solution I end up going with for the new updates plugin