



Support #3055

closed setup

Added by Sujay Sengupta about 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
Domain Mapping
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
1.00 h
Deployment actions:


I would like to create a sub domain in Target URL on the Commons would be

We have already registered a domain name which is

The preferred Go Live date will be 21-Feb-2014

Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold about 11 years ago

  • Category name set to Server
  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee set to Matt Gold
  • Priority name changed from Immediate to Normal
  • Target version set to Not tracked

Hi Sanjay,

I made the request of IT today; I will let you know when I have an update.



Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges about 11 years ago

Sanjay - In the meantime, you can update your DNS records. Set your A record to point to

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges about 11 years ago

  • Category name changed from Server to Domain Mapping
Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges about 11 years ago

  • Subject changed from Domain Mapping on the Commons to setup
  • Target version changed from Not tracked to 1.5.19
  • Estimated time set to 1.00 h
Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback

Sujay - A few questions.

- Your zip included the entire WordPress codebase. It includes a number of plugins: akismet, really-simple-breadcrumb, smoothness-slider-shortcode, wp-super-cache. akismet is included on the Commons. We don't currently support the use of wp-super-cache, but I assume that this is not critical to making your site work. Can you please give details about the other two plugins (really-simple-breadcrumb and smoothness-slider-shortcode)? Are they both in use on the site and required for the site to work?
- There are two themes in the zip: discover and discover__ Can you tell me which one you want used?

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges about 11 years ago

Also, please change the DNS settings for as soon as possible, to ensure that it's propagated in time for the launch.

Actions #7

Updated by Boone Gorges about 11 years ago

I've created the subdomain 'cic' was not available, and it won't matter anyway once the domain is mapped.

I've successfully imported content from your export file.

Sujay, I can create a user account on the Commons for you to do any necessary configuration. Please provide me with the email address you'd like associated with the new account.

The theme looks pretty good, but you've hardcoded the contact link in the footer as , without the final 's' in the domain name. Please let me know whether this is a typo.

Actions #8

Updated by Sujay Sengupta about 11 years ago

Boone Gorges wrote:

Sujay - A few questions.

- Your zip included the entire WordPress codebase. It includes a number of plugins: akismet, really-simple-breadcrumb, smoothness-slider-shortcode, wp-super-cache. akismet is included on the Commons. We don't currently support the use of wp-super-cache, but I assume that this is not critical to making your site work. Can you please give details about the other two plugins (really-simple-breadcrumb and smoothness-slider-shortcode)? Are they both in use on the site and required for the site to work?
- There are two themes in the zip: discover and discover__ Can you tell me which one you want used?

Boone - I will get back with the answer to your queries shortly.

Actions #9

Updated by Sujay Sengupta about 11 years ago

Boone Gorges wrote:

Also, please change the DNS settings for as soon as possible, to ensure that it's propagated in time for the launch.


Actions #10

Updated by Sujay Sengupta about 11 years ago

Boone Gorges wrote:

I've created the subdomain 'cic' was not available, and it won't matter anyway once the domain is mapped.

I've successfully imported content from your export file.

Sujay, I can create a user account on the Commons for you to do any necessary configuration. Please provide me with the email address you'd like associated with the new account.

The theme looks pretty good, but you've hardcoded the contact link in the footer as , without the final 's' in the domain name. Please let me know whether this is a typo.

Boone - You may use this mail id : .

Regarding the mail address in the footer - "", the mail id is perfect. It appears that I made a typo in my earlier communication. The domain registered is "" and not "". My sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Actions #11

Updated by Sujay Sengupta about 11 years ago

Boone - Our site does not require the "wp-super-cache" plugin. However, "really-simple-breadcrumb" and "smoothness-slider-shortcode" is very much required to make our site work seamlessly.

Regarding the two themes : discover and discover__, you can delete "discover__" and use "discover".

Actions #12

Updated by Boone Gorges about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Assigned

Thanks for the details, Sujay.

Theme added in
really-simple-breadcrumb added in
smoothness-slider-shortcode added in

(You won't be able to view those links - they go to a private Github repo. They're for internal team use.)

I've created a new user for you on the Commons. The username is ssengupta. You should've received an email with an auto-generated password. The current URL of the site is, though of course that'll change as soon I see that the DNS changes have taken place with the domain. At the moment there's nothing for you to do (your plugin and theme are not yet available on the production site) but you will be all set to use those credentials after the release on March 1.

At release time, here's what I plan to do personally:
1. Activate the custom theme on the site
2. Activate the two requested plugins on the site
3. Do a fresh import of the content (it did not all run successfully because some of the items depend on custom post types that are created by the theme)
4. If the DNS switch has taken place, I'll map the new domain name to the site.

At that point, I'll update this ticket to let you know that the ball's in your court. You'll then be able to log in and verify settings and/or make any additional changes are necessary after the move.

Thanks for your patience as we work this into our release cycle. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions about the process.

Actions #13

Updated by Boone Gorges about 11 years ago

  • Subject changed from setup to setup

Matt - Can I ask you to verify that IT has made the requested change to our Apache settings for the domain mapping? The proper URL is

That's without an 's'. (See

Actions #14

Updated by Sujay Sengupta about 11 years ago

Thanks Boone. I have really enjoyed working with you and I certainly do appreciate your help and cooperation.

By the way, I have already received the user id and the auto generated password.

I will probably have a few queries and might require more help from you but that will be after March-01-2014. In the meantime, I will change the DNS settings so that the A record points to the CUNY Server IP. Thanks again.

Actions #15

Updated by Matt Gold about 11 years ago

Matt - Can I ask you to verify that IT has made the requested change to our Apache settings for the domain mapping? The proper URL is

They mapped the URL with an 's'; I've asked them to map the new one.

Actions #16

Updated by Sujay Sengupta about 11 years ago

Boone - I have updated the DNS records. the A record of "" now points to . By the way, please note the the site is in WIP stage and in case if you need a reference you may refer the urls of our test server which are :

Hope, this helps. Please do let me know if you need any clarification.

Actions #17

Updated by Matt Gold about 11 years ago

Okay - IT has remapped the URL

Actions #18

Updated by Boone Gorges about 11 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Matt Gold to Boone Gorges

Matt - Thanks, looks good. I've mapped the domain.

Sujay - Thanks for the links. That'll be a helpful reference as I set things up tomorrow.

Actions #19

Updated by Boone Gorges about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

Hi Sujay -

I've completed the release, and the steps I outlined here:

In addition, I added a style rule to your theme to make room for our global admin bar (it was overlapping some of your content).

Aside from that, things are looking pretty good. It does look like you'll have to manually reapply the slider content; it looks like it wasn't included in the export you sent to me. You'll want to do a review to reapply any other settings that may have been lost.

A reminder that the site is currently hidden from everyone except for you, me, and Tansen. When you're ready for your real launch, you'll want to visit and change the Site Visibility setting.

I'm marking this ticket as Resolved. If you have other issues that need my attention, please feel free to a separate ticket with details. Thanks!


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