



Feature #3179


Please increase capacity to upload audio

Added by Collette Sosnowy almost 11 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
WordPress - Media
Target version:
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% Done:


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We create and upload a lot of podcasts to the blog. Up until now, we have primarily been embedding Soundcloud files, but our free account is full, and it's quite expensive to upgrade.

I have attempted to upload from iTunes and while it appears in the blog post, it won't play. It's my understanding that it's because the files are too large. They usually range from 5-20 minutes in length. If this is the case, could you please increase the capacity for more space?

We have a number of them waiting to be posted and many more planned next week. I only just learned about this problem, hence the urgency.

Thanks very much.

Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold almost 11 years ago

  • Category name set to WordPress - Media
  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee set to Boone Gorges

Thanks, Collette. Can you give us an idea of the file sizes in question? How many megabytes are the files you are trying to upload (it would be good to know individual file sizes and the collective total -- ie., are we talking about ten 5 MB files, for a total of 50 MB?)?

Can you also describe what you are doing here in more detail: "I have attempted to upload from iTunes and while it appears in the blog post, it won't play." I'm unclear on how one uploads an audio file from iTunes to a WordPress blog

Also, please confirm that this is for the JustPublics@365 blog -

I've made Heidi a watcher on this ticket, so she should receive updates (Heidi, if you want me to take you off, please let me know)

Actions #2

Updated by Collette Sosnowy almost 11 years ago

Hi Matt,

That's the correct blog. There is a recently created post in Draft you can look at to see what I mean. It's titled "Jeff Mays on East Harlem Recovering from the Explosion" ( and I have embedded audio (this is what the code looks like: [audio m4a=""][/audio]). It appears in the post, but I'm not able to play it. Heidi said she believes it's because sound files on the Commons currently have a limit.

Most of the audio we'll be uploading will be 5-10MB. It's hard to say what the total will be since this is an ongoing feature but just for the next month, we'll probably have 50-70MB.


Actions #3

Updated by Collette Sosnowy almost 11 years ago

Also, Soundcloud allows you to track how many times a file has been listened to. Any chance there's a feature that could do this on the Commons?

Actions #4

Updated by Matt Gold almost 11 years ago

Hi Collette,

Thanks for the additional info -- that is very helpful. I'll let Boone respond with some thoughts, but I want to note, too, that we generally encourage users of the Commons to embed large media files on third-party servers/services due to the stress that such files can potentially place on our servers (if the file is stored on the local server, each play of the file involves server resources -- that's why soundcloud starts getting expensive!).

I'll let Boone chime in here, but I may need to have a conversation with the GC's IT department to see how they want to handle this. They do have the WFS file system - - which might possibly be something they'd want to use here).

Actions #5

Updated by Collette Sosnowy almost 11 years ago

Thanks Matt. Looking forward to your thoughts, Boone.

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback
  • Target version set to Not tracked

Hi Collette -

We currently do not place a maximum on the total amount of files that can be uploaded to your Commons blog.

There is a roughly 50MB ceiling on how big a single file can be. But I've looked at your files, and none are approaching this size. Your m4a files are quite compressed, so you'd need a very long one to hit this ceiling. Either way, if there were size limits, you should get an error notification in the interface at the time of upload.

In the current case, the problem with your embed is that you've got the wrong URL for the audio file. The URL you used is*1*.m4a (note the final 1), when the correct URL is I'm not sure where this incorrect URL came from - when I went to embed the file using the normal WordPress 'Add Media' button, it used the correct URL. In any case, the embed seems to be working fine when using the correct address.

As a side note, if you find a case where the audio player is showing up, but pressing play does nothing, you might want to check that you're not currently playing (or pausing!) the same file in another tab on the same browser. Most browsers can only read from a media file one-at-a-time.

Please have a look and see if this advice helps.

Actions #7

Updated by Matt Gold almost 11 years ago

Hi Heidi and Collette -- can you please let us know where things stand? Thank you.

Actions #8

Updated by Boone Gorges about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Resolved

Hi all - I'm going to mark this ticket as resolved based on my comments above. If you continue to have problems, please leave details here and I'll be happy to reopen and see what I can do to help.


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