Bug #42
closednews page feed not working
Updated by Boone Gorges over 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
I think it's a validation issue. The feed source is there. Might have something to do with how wiki edits appear. I'm going to wait a few hours to let the feed populate a little more before testing again.
Updated by Matt Gold over 15 years ago
Thanks for catching this and working on it, Boone. If you have a chance, can you edit the error text so that it gives our members a better sense of what's going on? Perhaps something like "The CUNY Academic Commons News feed is currently experiencing problems. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask that you check back in a few hours." Or, if the error message can't be directed specifically to this page, something a little more generic, but that communicates with our members, would be great.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 15 years ago
The error message is from WP's core rss parser. I'm not going to hack its error messages. I put some text on the WP page itself that explains the problem.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 15 years ago
The issue cleared itself up. My hypothesis is that a poorly formatted feed item caused a problem. May have had to do with am ampersand (or some other nonstandard character) in a wiki URL. To do: test to see if BP activity function strips out things like ampersands; test to see if ampersands really do trip it up; add filter to BuddyPressActivity MW extension if necessary.
Updated by Matt Gold over 15 years ago
I'm not sure whether this is a result of your testing the feed, but it looks like it's down again.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 15 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
It appears that my hypothesis was correct. I've put a filter into the MW extension, and edits on pages with ampersands in the title appear to be coming through fine now.