



Support #4735


Tracking URLs in Zendesk

Added by Samantha Raddatz over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

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In today's Community Team call it was mentioned that (now that the Help item it located in the persistent/top navigation) many users are contacting them via Zendesk with questions regarding specific group or individual sites rather than more general areas of the Commons that we manage.

Matt suggested that the next step be determining where users are when they submit these tickets. It would be best if URLs were attached to the ticket itself within Zendesk to allow the Community team to give more immediately helpful responses, but also gathering higher-level information about when people click 'help' would be useful for UX.

After a quick search, I found this from Zendesk, though I'm not sure how helpful it is:

Assigning to Boone initially since the Commons Zendesk widget has been customized by the dev team. Any ideas?


Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold over 9 years ago

Thanks for this, Sam. I was looking at some Zendesk notifications I've received and they do say where the user was when the ticket was submitted -- if the user submitted through the form and not through email. The tickets tell you this info -- they say "submitted from [URL]" or indicate that the ticket was submitted via mail

Marilyn, Scott, and Sarah -- please see attached and let me know whether this accords with what you are seeing. If so, I think we can reject this ticket.

Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges over 9 years ago

  • Category name set to Toolbar
  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
  • Target version set to 1.8.13

It looks like Matt is probably correct that the URL is captured automatically by Zendesk when someone submits a ticket. However, it could still be useful to see when someone is clicking Help. So I added a custom GA event to Help clicks, as suggested in the tutorial you linked:

Seth, after this goes live on October 11, please have a look at the event reports in GA and let me know whether things are being tracked as you'd expect. Thanks!


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