Bug #4816
closedGroup invite email notifications not received
Erin Glass created a new hidden group - http://commons.gc.cuny.edu/groups/m-a-m-s-cuny-2020-subgroup/ -- and sent invitations to members, including me. I did not receive an invitation via email and, furthermore, I don't see a notification of the group invite in the BP admin bar
Updated by Boone Gorges over 9 years ago
- Category name changed from BuddyPress (misc) to Group Invitations
- Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback
- Target version set to 1.8.15
This appears to be a bug in the Invite Anyone plugin that is preventing invitations from going out when sent during group creation. It should be fixed in https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/472a6caa79606c92f69a8ca8ff0d3f9b4e927f2e
Do you want me to add the invited members to the group manually?
Updated by Boone Gorges over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Resolved
Done. These members are all added to the group.
Updated by Matt Gold over 9 years ago
Hi Boone,
Did you add me to the group? I don't see it in My Groups when sorted by date of creation (screenshot attached) or in the My Commons dropdown list of groups
Updated by Boone Gorges over 9 years ago
I added the user matt-gold, which is the user that Erin had invited to the group. I thought maybe matt-gold was an account you used for some purposes. If not, it's probably one that was auto-created by FeedWordPress or something like that. I'll add you as 'admin'.
Updated by Matt Gold over 9 years ago
Okay -- thanks. Yes, I only use admin on the CAC