Feature #504
closedCreate a page on the news blog to highlight stories about the Commons
Please create a page on the news blog that will collect news stories about the Commons. For each news story, please include a short excerpt and a screenshot that links back to the original post.
You might comb through the news blog to remind yourself of stories in the CHE, etc.
Here is the latest: http://buddydress.com/2010/12/the-20-most-outstanding-buddypress-sites-of-2010-by-jerome-degl%E2%80%99innocenti/ (via Boone)
Updated by scott voth about 14 years ago
Cool idea. Would it be okay to use the magazine template option on the Canvas theme, and make the stories sliders? And I was thinking what to call the page - is it too corny to call it "Buzz"? Something like that... Or - "In the News" or "Mentions." Any ideas?
Updated by Matt Gold about 14 years ago
Do whatever you think would work best. I like "Buzz" or "Commons Buzz."
Updated by scott voth almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
Updated by Matt Gold almost 14 years ago
Great work, Scott!!! For others watching this ticket, here is the page Scott created: http://news.commons.gc.cuny.edu/commons-buzz/
Updated by Matt Gold almost 14 years ago
Scott --
Please add these items:
The CUNY Academic Commons: Building the Social University
(coverage of the presentation Boone and I did at Yale recently)
The CUNY Academic Commons: fostering faculty use of the social web
(a paper on the Commons that George and I published)
Never Mind the Edupunks; or, The Great Web 2.0 Swindle
(article by Jim Groom and Brian Lamb; uses the Commons as a case study)
"...we offer a shout-out to the jaw-dropping CUNY Academic Commons (http://commons.gc.cuny.edu/), which seamlessly integrates the open-source WordPress, MediaWiki, and BuddyPress platforms into an appealing and highly sustainable environment. "
Updated by Chris Stein almost 14 years ago
I agree, great work scott. A thought, is it possible to order these reverse chronological so the mist recent is at the top?
Updated by Matt Gold almost 14 years ago
I agree that a reverse chronological order would be good. Thanks for your work on this, Scott!
Updated by scott voth almost 14 years ago
Thanks for the feedback and I have reversed the order. I'll try to keep this updated, but let me know if you see stuff coming. Thanks!