



Support #5083


creating a shortcode for the iframe code of the google form

Added by Marilyn Weber over 8 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
WordPress Plugins
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Boone -

Matt asked me to put this up:

From: GUEVARA, CARLOS [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2016 9:56 AM
To: Academic Commons, CUNY <>
Subject: help with google forms for CUE website
Importance: High


I am putting together a call for proposals for the CUE Conference, and I am using the google forms plugin to be able to add a form in the website.

The problem I am having is that it is not recognizing the formats, submission button, etc.

I am using the bridge template

Can you help me creating a shortcode for the iframe code of the google form instead?

Here is the iframe code:

<iframe src="" width="760" height="1800" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>

I might need to play with the height for this for until it displays without a vertical scroll bar.

Down the line, I will also need to add other embedding pages for the broadcasting from youtube as well. If I can get access to do that without having to request special codes created for me will be great.

Thanks in advance for your help


Carlos Guevara

Director, Office of Educational Technology

Co-Director, Center for Teaching and Learning

Hostos Community College

Phone: 718.319.7974

As always, let me know if I can help. Happy to relay information, but I've included his contact info just in case.

Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago

  • Category name set to WordPress Plugins
  • Assignee set to Raymond Hoh
  • Target version set to 1.9.4

Ray, I'm assigning this to you in case this points to a bug in your Google Docs shortcodes. (I'm not sure whether Carlos is using them, or whether they support Forms.)

If it's unrelated, I can create a quick shortcode wrapper. Or you can do it. Either way, let's make the height and width configurable through attributes, so that Carlos can modify as he sees fit.

Actions #2

Updated by Raymond Hoh over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Reporter Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Raymond Hoh to Marilyn Weber

Hi Marilyn,

This shortcode should work:

[gdoc link="" width="760" height="1800"]

You can always find documentation for the Google Docs Shortcode plugin here:

Let me know if that works for you.

Actions #3

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 8 years ago

I emailed and left a voicemail for Carlos yesterday and am waiting to hear back. Thanks, all!

Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago

  • Target version changed from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5
Actions #5

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 8 years ago

He's on Cbox, and is saying that the plug-in doesn't work on that.

Actions #6

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 8 years ago

Never mind! He writes:

"That worked, I was using the other plugin, which is the one that is not working (google forms)."

This can be closed. (But another soon follows)

Actions #7

Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Rejected

Thanks, Marilyn!


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