



Feature #532


Allow members to paste in a group of email addresses when sending invites

Added by Matt Gold about 14 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
BuddyPress (misc)
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Deployment actions:


A member requests that the process of inviting new members to a group be streamlined a bit:

I posted a seperate issue regarding member requests. I offer the comment that managing members might be streamlined at bit. It would be nice to paste a list into the send email page. Selecting more than a few members to send group request is a bit slow. Doing an include of some form of pre-defined group would be helpful

It's not clear to me whether he is describing the process of inviting already registered members of the Commons to a group or the process of inviting people to both the Commons and the group. Michael, can you describe what you're thinking of in more detail?


Actions #1

Updated by Michael Ferraro about 14 years ago

1. Paste a list of emails into invite page

I created "base" groups that included all the full-time faculty in the Art Dept at Lehman.
I also needed a "base"group that included all of the adjuncts teaching in the Dept. There
are at leat 15 members in each of these groups. I had all the email addresses in a
database that I converted in to simple list with each email address on a single line
in a text document. I cut and pasted each of the lines into the individual entry
boxes of the Invite page (3-4 pages for each group). I would have liked to select
the whole list and paste it into single entry on the invite page.

2. Reusable list member name

Creating a named list of member names that could be used when sending out invitations
would make it easier than searching and selecting members every time i set up a group.
For example I have invited members of both the LEH-ART: Dept and LEH-ART: Adjuncts
to become members of the LEH-ART: Tech goup. I have to individually select each of the
full-time and adjunct faculty when I create this group. I will have to do it again for subsequent

3. Easier tracking of membership requests

Having the list of email invites buried in the Send invites by email page make it hard to find
It also seems a bit odd to have to initiate an action "Send invites by emal" to get to a link that
reports the status of already sent invites. It would be nice to have a top level access to the
list of invites and to have them organized by group so I can quickly determine the status.

4. Simple mechanism for resending membership request.

For both email invites as well as regular member invites it would be most helpful to be able
to select a subset of sent invitations and resend them. I am sure that I am going to have to
send invitation requests a number of times before I get some of the members to accept the

5. Clearer distinction between invites sent to a member (i.e. a group admin) and those sent out
by the group admin



Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

The ability to paste groups of email addresses into the Invite Anyone fields was implemented in a recent upgrade.

I'm going to close this ticket and open separate tickets for Michael's other feature requests.


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