



Bug #5346


possible dynamic HTML code bug?

Added by Marilyn Weber over 8 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

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A user reports:

"CUNY Academic Commons has a dynamic-HTML top toolbar in the editing interface. A small icon appears for the user at the top right. See example at large window size 1015 pixels.

When the window shrinks, the toolbar adjusts its display for the given space, ultimately removing the user icon to save space. See example at small window size 768 pixels.

The problem is that there is a middle ground for window size in which the icon actually appears at a larger size, occluding a fairly good part of the window. See example at medium window size 982 pixels. In particular, in my usual workflow with two windows on each half the screen, this is what I get and it prevents me from seeing/using a good part of the interface. This seems pretty clearly like a bug in somebody's dynamic HTML code.

- Daniel R. Collins, Lecturer
CUNY/Kingsborough Community College
Mathematics & Computer Science"

If it'd help to contact him directly, he's at
I'm happy to pass on any message.


CAC-LogoSize-1015px_thumb.png (5.03 KB) CAC-LogoSize-1015px_thumb.png Marilyn Weber, 2016-03-20 05:55 PM
CAC-LogoSize-0982px_thumb.png (5.78 KB) CAC-LogoSize-0982px_thumb.png Marilyn Weber, 2016-03-20 05:55 PM
CAC-LogoSize-0768px_thumb.png (4.56 KB) CAC-LogoSize-0768px_thumb.png Marilyn Weber, 2016-03-20 05:55 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee set to Boone Gorges

Thank you for starting the ticket, Marilyn.

Daniel, per the email I sent separately, I've just created an account for you here and added you as a watcher to this ticket. This will allow you to have a conversation directly with our development team.

We strongly encourage participation from our member community and hope you'll continue to contribute to the Commons in this way!

Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago

  • Category name set to Toolbar
  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
  • Target version set to 1.9.11

Thanks for the report, Daniel.

The issue doesn't have anything specific to do with "dynamic HTML" - nearly all HTML on the CUNY Academic Commons is dynamically generated in one way or another - but it is a bug. The breakpoint being used by WordPress to make the admin bar respond to narrow viewports didn't match the breakpoint our custom code was using to modify the bar's appearance. In I modified them to be the same, which should clear up this problem (along with a number of other minor inconsistencies in admin bar appearance when the window is between 782 and 980px).

Actions #3

Updated by Daniel Collins over 8 years ago

Maybe the phrase I was grasping for was "viewport resizing" or "responsive design" or something. Thanks so much for the fix, that was incredibly fast turnaround! Looks good on my browser/desktop now.


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