



Bug #560


sub menu does not stay open

Added by Rowena Li over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
WordPress (misc)
Target version:
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Sorry to report an other bug. The sub menu keep rolling up and does not stay for me to choose. I just found out today. I did not use it last night. Check it out:


Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold over 13 years ago

  • Category name set to WordPress (misc)
  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee set to Boone Gorges
  • Priority name changed from High to Normal
  • Target version set to 1.1.10

I see the problem you're describing, Rowena. I'll leave it to Boone and Scott to diagnose the error, but you might try temporarily disabling your falling-snow effect to see whether that helps.. . ..

Actions #2

Updated by Rowena Li over 13 years ago

I tried on another computer and it was fine. So maybe it is the computer. And I did not hear any complaints from the students. So just disregard this report.

Actions #3

Updated by scott voth over 13 years ago

Matt's idea is a good one, if you still find problems. And if that doesn't work - maybe you can you switching the "Animate the page menu bar with Javascript" in Atahualpa's Menu 1 (Page Menu) option. Just curious if that will have any effect.

Does it seem like it works better after the page gets loaded? I thought saw what you were talking about initially, but after awhile, the sub-menus seem to be working for me ok. I am on Firefox.

Actions #4

Updated by Matt Gold over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback

Okay. But I will say that I experienced what you experienced earlier, Rowena. I'm on a Mac using Chrome.

Where there differences in OS and browsers between the two computers that you tried?

Actions #5

Updated by Rowena Li over 13 years ago

I found this problem on a computer at my office on Explorer. I could not even click a submenu. It just run away - closed. At my home computer, it was better on Chrome and Firefox. At least, I can find a way to get into a sub-menu. I took Scott's advice just now and said "NO" to "animate the page menu bar with Javascript" and the submenu stayed like before (before the upgrade). So I think it is fine right now. But I am going to check the computer at my work to see. Thanks, Matt and Scott.

Actions #6

Updated by Matt Gold over 13 years ago

Okay. Let's leave this ticket open until we figure this out. Obviously, we want the site to be navigable to people no matter what browser they're using.

Actions #7

Updated by scott voth over 13 years ago

I just tried in Internet Explorer and it doesn't seem to work. And I notice that at the bottom of the page, the status bar reads "Done, but with errors on the page." So I wonder if there are some javascript errors going on with IE?

But now, upon review - after waiting a bit - it seems to work (even though the message on the status bar remains). Maybe you were changing things in your settings when I was testing? Or is it taking a long time for your script to load, for some reason, and then it starts to work. Do you experience this?

Actions #8

Updated by scott voth over 13 years ago

I experience the same thing in Safari and Chrome - it does not work initially (although the page seems to be fully loaded) - but after awhile - the menus work fine. Actually Chrome took a long time to work, Safari not much.

Just wondering - did you changed the "Javascript: External file or inline?" option. I believe it defaults to "inline," which is what it should be.

Actions #9

Updated by Rowena Li over 13 years ago

Javascript and CSS are both set as "inline". The loading time is long, I think it is because I have calendar and Twitter widgets, especially calendar widget. When I get into pages, the loading time is longer, because I embedded videos. I think the problem is on IE. It is still very hard to get to the sub-menu. I have no problem now with Chrome and Firefox. Thanks, Scott.

Actions #10

Updated by Boone Gorges over 13 years ago

I'm confirming that the JavaScript version is pretty much completely broken in IE. Is this IE's fault or Atahualpa's fault? Probably a little of both.

It would take me hours to debug and fix these problems, especially because JS-in-IE is not my strong point. Because the non-JS version is working fine, I am tempted to put this in the won't-fix pile. Any objections?

Actions #11

Updated by Boone Gorges over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Rejected

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