



Bug #569


Issue found switching between Green Park, Woo Canvas Theme, and back again

Added by scott voth about 14 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

Priority name:
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WordPress (misc)
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Valerie Futch switched themes from Green Park to Woo Canvas Theme, and then switched back to Green Park. In the process, she seems to have lost access to the tabs on the dashboard which are used to control Green Park. Could this be a rights issue? And if so, can her rights be restored. It appears that she still has rights to post to the blog. The blog url is

Cross reference:

Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee set to Boone Gorges
  • Target version set to 1.1.10
Actions #2

Updated by Matt Gold about 14 years ago

Valerie is listed as an admin on that blog.

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

The part of the theme that determines who has access to the theme control panel was incorrectly coded for WordPress Multisite. I have fixed it in

As for why she was able to access it before, the only thing I can think of is that she was using an older version of the same theme that, for some reason, exists on the system. I have just made it unavailable on the production site, and I removed it from the repo in

Actions #4

Updated by Valerie Futch about 14 years ago

hi boone,
thanks for figuring this out. is there something that i need to do to follow up? the settings still aren't showing up so i thought maybe i should switch the theme and then switch it back but the cordobo theme is no longer listed in the themes pages.

Actions #5

Updated by Matt Gold about 14 years ago

Thanks, Boone. Am I right in assuming that you checked to see whether any blogs were using the old version before you deleted it? That would put you one step ahead of me this week . .. (cf. )

Actions #6

Updated by Valerie Futch about 14 years ago

errr, also one step ahead of me i think. maybe it doesn't show up because it IS the current theme i'm using? (smacks head) regardless, the panel still doesn't show up on my end.

Actions #7

Updated by Boone Gorges about 14 years ago

Valerie - The fix has not gone live yet. It will do so in the next day or two, when I release another version of the Commons. Watch for updates.

And yes, it won't show up on the Appearance list if it's your current theme.

Matt - I made a note in the commit message. The themes have the same name internally, so there should be automatic fallback, but I will check manually after the release.

Actions #8

Updated by Matt Gold about 14 years ago

Okay. And I think you're safe -- I just checked on this using Andrea's theme stats plugin on the live server, and it looks like all blogs using Cordoba are using the later version. So delete away.

Actions #9

Updated by Boone Gorges about 14 years ago

I checked the same thing, but I bet that the theme stats plugin can't tell the difference between two themes with the same name.

Actions #10

Updated by Matt Gold about 14 years ago

If you click on the theme name, it will open up a list showing you which blogs are using that theme. I opened up each link and saw, manually, that they're all using the later version of Cordoba.

Actions #11

Updated by Valerie Futch about 14 years ago

got it, thanks! :)

Actions #12

Updated by Boone Gorges about 14 years ago

Matt - oh, cool, I didn't know you'd actually checked each blog. Saves me the effort. Thanks!


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