



Feature #5955


Create auto-newsletter for commons members

Added by Matt Gold over 8 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Priority name:
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(starting this ticket to start discussion about what is possible here)

perhaps build it through the My-Commons feeds?

goal: show members what is going on in their networks

Think: twitter/medium weekly roundups

Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Boone Gorges to Luke Waltzer
  • Target version set to Future release

Adding some team members as watchers. Luke, maybe you could take the lead on coming up with a rough spec? I'm happy to be available for questions about what's technically feasible.

What should be included in such a feed? Twitter etc probably use things like favorite/retweet/like/view counts to decide what's "important" enough to highlight in a digest. For the most part, we don't have access to this info (or there's not enough of it to differentiate).

Actions #2

Updated by Matt Gold over 8 years ago

Using this ticket to speculate a bit, here are some possibilities:

-- Recent group forum posts that have generated high amounts of replies and/or page views
-- Recent blog posts from sites you are a part of (not sure how to determine relevance)
-- Recent new account registrations from people who have become friends with people you are friends with
-- Recent portfolio updates (akin to LinkedIn's "XYZ has a new title" emails)
-- Commons news blog posts
-- New plugins/functionality added to the Commons
-- New themes added to the Commons

Actions #3

Updated by Luke Waltzer over 8 years ago

I think this is worthwhile, but should wait until after the winnowing/redesign/api/ir conversations, which are necessarily going to prompt significant conceptual work.

If/once we get to it... things to think through, in addition to what Matt notes:

-- opt in/opt out (I'd lean to opt in)?
-- interface for customizing alerts, setting frequency
-- integration with existing notifications system on the Commons
-- integration of newsletter options page into registration process
-- perhaps include content from sites followed by your friends--if we are keeping friends--or, content from sites followed by those you share multiple group memberships with

Actions #4

Updated by Matt Gold over 8 years ago

Luke Waltzer wrote:

I think this is worthwhile, but should wait until after the winnowing/redesign/api/ir conversations, which are necessarily going to prompt significant conceptual work.

I'd like to see us move on this sooner rather than later, especially as the other efforts you describe above are likely to be a very long time in coming. I think we need to focus more on outreach this year and I see this as an important component of that outreach. That is, of course, unless there are major technical barriers to proceeding now that will be resolved once the above work is complete.

If/once we get to it... things to think through, in addition to what Matt notes:

-- opt in/opt out (I'd lean to opt in)?
-- interface for customizing alerts, setting frequency
-- integration with existing notifications system on the Commons
-- integration of newsletter options page into registration process
-- perhaps include content from sites followed by your friends--if we are keeping friends--or, content from sites followed by those you share multiple group memberships with

Just to note: I think we should do opt-put rather than opt-in


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