Feature #6241
closedcuny.is short URLs for groups
Splitting off from #3064.
Groups should have cuny.is URLs, just like users do. Here's my suggested setup:
1. The default format of the URL will be cuny.is/group-{group_slug}. See https://redmine.gc.cuny.edu/issues/3064#note-5 and follow-up conversation.
2. Groups will automatically receive a default slug. I think the way this currently works for users is that the plugin shows the slug on the user profile, and if it doesn't find one in the database, it requests one on the spot. This means we don't need a routine to backfill URLs.
3. Short URL will be displayed somewhere in the group header, I guess? Ideas welcome.
4. There'll be a place in the group Manage section where admins can request a different URL. Most of this can be borrowed from the User interface.
Related issues
Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago
- Related to Design/UX #3064: Add Information on Custom Domains to Group Creation Process added
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.11 to 1.12
I started working on this, but hit some snags that will make it tough to have tested and done for 1.11.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 7 years ago
- Priority name changed from Normal to High
Updated by Boone Gorges over 7 years ago
- File Screenshot_2017-09-27_15-03-28.png Screenshot_2017-09-27_15-03-28.png added
- File Screenshot_2017-09-27_15-03-11.png Screenshot_2017-09-27_15-03-11.png added
- Status changed from New to Testing Required
First pass at this functionality is in https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/b6922f1b933b2a4e6559e479d23b1ffc9750d690 and https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/635e5e75d9dfa7c2074a12bfa28fce93b299adf0
It works like this:
- When a group is loaded and no shorturl is present, a routine runs in the background (at the end of the pageload) to fetch one called 'group-{group_slug}'. This is generally complete by the next pageload.
- When present, the "Quick Link" appears in the header. See attached screenshot, which is from a group of which I'm also a member and which also has social media profile fields. It looks a bit less crowded when both of these things don't obtain. The "Quick Link" terminology is borrowed from user profiles.
- On the primary group Manage panel, there's an interface for changing the short URL. Like in the case of users, there's some ajax that checks for availabilty on keyup (with a one-second delay).
See screenshots. Let me know if anyone wants to test this before our more general release testing.
Updated by Stephen Real over 7 years ago
What is the expected behavior when I click the CUNY.IS displayed at the top of my Group Page? On the test system it takes me to My Commons page.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 7 years ago
It should go to the group page. Please give me the URL of the site you're testing with so I can have a look.
Updated by Stephen Real over 7 years ago
Updated by Boone Gorges over 7 years ago
Thanks, Steve!
It appears that cuny.is is also mirrored to the dev environment! It didn't used to be, which is why I didn't warn about it. To your /etc/hosts line that points the Commons URLs to LDV1, add cuny.is. So: commons.gc.cuny.edu cuny.is
Updated by Boone Gorges over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Testing Required to Resolved
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #8835: Extend cuny.is shortlinks to sites added