Feature #6426
openForce captcha on all comments?
Given IT's notice of spam on a Commons site, should we consider forcing captcha on all Commons blog comment forms?
Updated by Boone Gorges over 8 years ago
- Assignee changed from Boone Gorges to Tahir Butt
- Target version set to Future release
I think we should skip the requirement if the comment author is logged in.
We will also have to do a review of existing Commons plugins to make sure that whatever solution we go with doesn't conflict with CAPTCHAs generated elsewhere.
Tahir, could I ask you to do a review here? The goal is to find an existing plugin - whether already installed on the Commons or not - that could be network activated across the Commons, to force a CAPTCHA for all comments. Ideally, the plugin would have an option that allows the CAPTCHA to be disabled for logged-in users; if so, we can hardcode a filter into the Commons codebase that'll turn this option on all the time.