Feature #8074
closedDon't show user "last active" time to logged-out users
From Matt's comment https://redmine.gc.cuny.edu/issues/7837#note-7 in #7837:
one thought I've had -- and maybe this is one way to move towards the concerns raised by Bret -- is that perhaps we can show "last active" status only to logged in members. I'm not sure that info should be public anyway for non logged in members, and removing it would seem to be in the spirit of removing non-essential info from the public interface given increasing privacy conerns
I think this is a good idea for both of the reasons that Matt lists here. Let's use this ticket to let anyone chime in with thoughts before we decide to slate for a release, or reject.
Updated by Raymond Hoh about 6 years ago
- Target version changed from Future release to 1.15
This can easily be implemented.
Adding to 1.15 for feedback.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 6 years ago
+1 from me. Adding Sonja in case she has thoughts, but I think we should just go ahead with it.
Updated by Sonja Leix about 6 years ago
Boone Gorges wrote:
+1 from me. Adding Sonja in case she has thoughts, but I think we should just go ahead with it.
+1 from me as well! Good idea for both reasons listed in the request!
Updated by Raymond Hoh almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Testing Required
I've removed the members last active timestamp for unauthenticated users in the following places:
- From the Members widget on the homepage
- From the members loop on the "People" page and other locations where the members loop is displayed such as your Friends page
- From the header on a member's profile page
This is available for testing on the development site.
(Code reference - https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/compare/ec7e70c...1d1f211)
For the Members widget, only the last active timestamp is removed. If you click on the "Newest" tab, you can still see the registered date. Let me know if we want to remove that information as well for unauthenticated users.
One other place where we display some form of a timestamp is on a group's "Members" page. The joined date is listed for each group member. Should we also remove that for unauthenticated users?
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from Testing Required to Resolved
This all looks good to me.
IMO, registered and joined-group dates are not private info in the same way as last-active data. Let's leave this for now, with the possibility of revisiting in a future release.